Band Announcements – Week of 03/16/15

LWHS Musical- Guys and Dolls final weekend.  Friday and Saturday @7:30pm


AuditionsTuesday– Double Reeds, Wednesday– Trumpet,  Thursday– Tuba/ Baritone  (Don’t forget to come since I won’t see some bands much this week due to OGT!)



The Etude list is all up on the website.  For each instrument you need to record two etudes and a class A or B solo from the OMEA list.  The registration for All-State is now 100% online.

Director’s NAfME ID number is needed for kids to register:  Andrew Carr — ID  000136035

Follow the link below to access requirements and submit recordings.


Red White and Winds have a pre-State Clinic 4/20/15 – We will have a guest clinician and we will have a practice sight reading on stage with this guest administering the sight read.  Each band will perform/ clinic for 50 minutes with a 10 min intermission to change bands on the stage.   All parents and students are welcome to attend all parts of this clinic performance.

Red 6:30pm

White 7:30pm

Winds 8:30pm

Jazz n’ Cakes tickets were distributed to students during class that had not picked them up .  Ask students to get these to you and sell or use them for a great time at the Jazz n’ Cakes on April 11, 2015.