New Procedure for Submitting Upbeat Club Expenses

In order to improve the accuracy of our expenses we are implementing a new process for submission.

  • All expenses must have prior approval from the Lakota West Upbeat Club Executive Board.  Non-approved expenses will not be reimbursed.
  • All expense must have a copy of a receipt.
  • A reimbursement form needs to be filled out and submitted with the receipts. Per the form, these can be mailed to the PO Box or scanned and sent electronically (preferred). Please provide information as to what was purchased and what it was for so it can be charged to the correct account

The form is a new process and there may be some changes as this rolls out to improve it.

An additional note, all expenses for 2011 Band Camp must be sent in by Sept. 30, 2011.  Expenses submitted after that date will not be reimbursed.

Thank you in advance for following this new process.