2012 Lakota Summer Band Clinic

At the Lakota Summer Band Clinic your child will enjoy a summer band experience with students from other schools in Northern Cincinnati. It’s an opportunity to meet other kids who are the same age, may play the same instrument and may be as excited about their instrument as your child. At the Lakota Summer Band Clinic, we cater to those students (7th – 9th grade) who need that little something extra to spark some greater musical insight, or to provide an added incentive. In addition to professional instruction, your child can talk to Lakota High School band students, who will relate just what your child is in store for in just a few more years. You can give your child more than a musical instrument. You can give them an extra opportunity to feel encouraged and confident in their musical ability – to realize they are a musician!

ARE YOU INTERESTED in the Lakota Summer Band Clinic?

for more information and to download the registration form.