Info and Forms for Honor Band(s)

Honor Jazz bands will be rehearsing and performing the week of January 8-13th, 2013 at Miami University.  A $30 participation fee is due to your director.  Please make the check out to Lakota West Upbeat Club.  Check with your director for the due date.  CLICK HERE for the registration form that is due at your first rehearsal.  The rehearsal schedule is on the form.  CLICK HERE for the emergency medical form that will also be due during the registration process at the first rehearsal.

Honor Concert bands will be rehearsing and performing the week of January 14-20th, 2013 at Mason High School.  A $30 participation fee is due to your director BY JANUARY 9th.  Please make the check out to Lakota West Upbeat Club.  CLICK HERE for the registration form that is due at your first rehearsal.  The rehearsal schedule is on the form.  CLICK HERE for the emergency medical form that will also be due during the registration process at the first rehearsal.