Freshman Band Announcements – Feb 25-Mar 1

  1. Auditions for next year’s concert bands end this week. French horns are Tuesday, Percussion are Wednesday, Flutes are Thursday. If you have not auditioned and intend to do so, please contact Mr. Chumley or Mr. Snyder immediately so we can schedule to hear you. You can play for us at the Freshman school before school starts one day this week. We need to complete the audition process this week.
  2. OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event is less than two (2) weeks off. Saturday, March 9, 2013 at Fairfield High School. We should be receiving our exact performance times in a couple of days. To help us prepare for this event, we will be having 2 guest conductors coming in to work with the band this week. Their assistance and comments will help us a great deal.
  3. Another very important piece of the preparation for the Adjudicated Event will be our Pre-Large Group Concert. This will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. Due to a scheduling mishap, we will be moving the concert over to Main Campus. The concert will still start at 7:00 pm. Report time for the students is 6:20. We are going to try to approximate exactly what will happen Saturday at Fairfield as closely as possible, including a timed warm-up.
  4. A special treat for the Freshman Bands, because we are playing at Main Campus, immediately after the Freshman Bands complete their performances, Symphonic Winds will perform their Adjudicated Event program. This will be the best opportunity for the Freshman Band students and the parents to hear Symphonic Winds, which is truly one of the top concert bands in the United States.
  5. Band placement results will be posted on Monday, March 11, the first Monday after the Large Group Adjudicated Event.
  6. On the Marching Band front, initial deposits for marching band and the Macy’s trip were due on January 31. The second payment is coming due on Feb 28. Right now, we are up to 283 members in the marching band. This is the second largest marching band in the history of Lakota West, and only by a few students. We are excited beyond words with this. We have already been working on the music arrangements for next year. The music will be from the Broadway show, “West Side Story”. It’s going to be awesome.

That’s it for this week.