Upbeat Updates 2/27/13 (Branson meds, Macys, MB, volunteering-pancakes!)

BRANSON – REMINDER – Medications and forms for the Branson trip will be collected from parents at the 3/4 concert by the school nurse.  Please be sure to bring these with you to the concert.

MACYS – 17 spaces are left in the followers package, please sign up HERE by 3/1.  When the spaces are gone, the package is closed.  If you have signed up for the followers package please choose a Broadway show by 3/1 by CLICKING HERE.  Students should sign up on the sheets outside the band rooms at their school, main or freshman campus.  If you are in guard at a Jr. school we will contact you or you can email your choice to Dave Bubash at parade@lakotawestbands.org.  We will also have our first informational meeting about Macy’s after the 3/4 and 3/5 concerts for about 30 minutes.

MB deposits – Marching band deposit deadlines were extended to allow for our new guard members to make their payments.  ALL MB deposits will be due by 2/28.  Beginning 3/1  a $50 late fee will be assessed for ANY band member paying their initial $150 MB deposit (including guard).   Please pay promptly CLICK HERE.

Volunteering opportunities/needsJazz ‘N Cakes – is coming on Saturday morning 3/23.  If you are a parent please CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer, if you are a student please CLICK HERE to sign up.  Sign up early and “pick a team” with your friends!  Students are expected to work a shift and can earn service hours for doing so.  This is one of our major fundraisers and a fantastically fun event, come hungry and eat before your shift!  Uniform Pillows – after 3 sessions we have  ~1/2 of the work done with a limited number of volunteers and are almost ready to start stuffing.  If you can iron or sew a straight line we can use you.  Please CLICK HERE to sign up for one of our next work fun sessions!  Red Concessions – We have an opportunity to work Reds concessions and make $6000 or more.  Its a 12 game minimum commitment, 8 volunteers/game, you must be at least 16 years old, and you must take a 5 hour training course to participate.  Please CLICK HERE for more info or to sign up and indicate your interest if you think you can commit to the training.