Upbeat Updates – week of 2/4/13 (community conversation, guard auditions, payments, Reds fundraiser)

Solo & Ensemble – Thanks so much to the many, many student, college, alum, and parent volunteers that braved the snow to make this a great event for our students and our visitors!

CLICK HERE to sign up for an Upbeat sponsored Lakota Community Conversation on 2/5 (West) or 2/7 (East).  Our band programs will be faced with many difficult decisions very early this spring.  We need to give input as to whether Marching Band should remain a class or become extracurricular.  We will cover this at our next Upbeat meeting.  Clearly it is time to make our voices heard again.  This is just one opportunity.  You do NOT have to sign up in advance to attend, but it would help with snack planning.  Please try to attend if you can.

Marching Firebird 2013 Color Guard auditions are February 4th and 6th 6-8pm in the Plains Jr School cafeteria.  Please arrive Monday night at 5:45 to register.  A parent/guardian needs to attend a meeting Monday at 6:45pm outside the cafeteria.  Students currently in 8th – 11th grade are eligible to audition.

Branson 2nd payments,  Macy’s student trip deposits, and Marching band participation deposits continue to trickle in.  If you have not made yours yet, please do so we can get our uniforms ordered and travel agency plans firmed up.  Please continue to check the website for payment schedules ongoing.  The next round of payments are due 2/28/13.

Stay tuned for information on a new fundraiser, likely designated to go towards trips, with the Cincinnati Reds.  It will involve working at the games with concessions. A short training will be involved and people age 16 and older will be eligible.  A 12 game commitment is involved for Upbeat so be thinking about this and looking for information soon to potentially sign up.