Freshman Band Announcements – Mar. 11-15

  1. Congratulations to both our Freshman Bands. Both bands earned the Superior rating at Saturday’s Large Group Adjudicated Event. This is the highest rating possible. We are so proud of the effort the students put forth towards this performance. Our other 3 bands, Red and White Symphonic Bands, and Symphonic Winds also received Superior ratings on Friday afternoon/evening. Lakota West is the only high school in Ohio to have five bands perform at this event and, that all 5 received Superior ratings is a testament to the strength and quality of our band program.
  2. Band placement results for next year will be posted in the band rooms at both the Freshman School and Main Campus tomorrow morning. These results are not 100% final as there are things and events that could happen between now and the fall that could alter them, most importantly, All-State Band. Any student who auditions for and is selected for All-State Concert Band automatically earns a spot in Symphonic Winds.
  3. The audition materials for All-State Band are available on the OMEA website, There is a link on the home page of the OMEA website that will direct you to the audition information. It’s pretty easy to register. If you have any problems, please contact either Mr. Chumley or Mr. Snyder and we will walk you through the process. Mr. Chumley has copies of the etudes for all the flutes, clarinets, and saxophones.

That’s if for this week.