Freshman Band Announcements – Mar. 4-9

  1. The Pre-Large Group Concert is on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 in the MAIN CAMPUS Auditorium. The performance begins at 7:00 pm. The purpose of this concert is to replicate the conditions that we will face on Saturday, March 9. Students are to report to the Main Campus Band or Choir room at 6:20 pm. Group warm-up will begin precisely at 6:30 pm and will last exactly 25 minutes. We will then exit the warm-up rooms and head to the Auditorium. This is exactly what we will be doing on Saturday, March 9, 2013.
  2. On Tuesday, 2nd Period Band is playing first, followed by 1st Period Band. After both Freshman Bands perform, Symphonic Winds will perform their Large Group program. This is an excellent opportunity for parents and students to hear this amazing ensemble. Freshman are expected to stay to listen to Winds. The entire concert will end about 8:15 pm. Feel free to take pictures and record this concert if you’d like. Tri-State Productions will be here to record the bands as well. You CANNOT record ANYTHING or TAKE PICTURES ON SATURDAY.
  3. Concert attire is expected for both performances: black pants, white tops, dark shoes/socks, long ties for the boys.
  4. Schedule for Saturday, March 9, 2013

    2nd Period Band:
    -arrive at 8:30 am, our home rooms are 1203/1207
    (they are right next to each other)
    -leave for warm-up room at 8:50 am
    -leave warm-up room for stage at 9:25 am
    -perform at 9:30 am
    -go to sight reading around 10:00 am
    -finished around 10:30 am
    1st Period Band:
    -arrive at 2:15 pm, home rooms are the same as above
    -leave for warm-up room at 2:35 pm
    -leave warm-up room for stage at 3:10 pm
    -perform at 3:15 pm
    -go to sight reading around 3:45 pm
    -finished around 4:15 pm

  5. After sight reading, it takes about 20 minutes for the rating to be posted. There is an area that will serve concessions while we wait for the rating.
  6. PLEASE NOTE-There are some very specific rules for this event.
    1. No photos or recordings of the performance are allowed, NONE at all. This is an OMEA rule and if violated, the band could be disqualified. Months of preparation would be wasted. You are welcome to take pictures of your child on the Tuesday concert, but please leave your camera’s and video recorders at home on Saturday.
    2. The doors to the auditorium at Fairfield are open ONLY in between the bands performances. If you want to hear the bands play on Saturday, make sure you arrive early enough to get a seat. Once the doors close, they don’t open again until AFTER the band has totally completed its performance.
    3. This event is adjudicated (judged). There will be three (3) judges perched at the top of the auditorium. They have recording devices and will be making comments into their recording device while the band is playing. This is quite different from a school concert. If you sit near the judges, you will hear them talking. Many people find this annoying. If that is you, please don’t sit near the judges. You will still hear them talking, but it will be less disturbing.
  7. Auditions for next year’s band are complete. The rosters for next year’s bands will be posted in the band room on Monday, March 11, 2013.
  8. Lastly, the audition material for All-State Band 2014 has been posted on the OMEA website. Here is the link: On the main page about ½ way down is a link to the 2014 All-State Application Process. Click on this and follow the directions. Students should look for the required etudes. Scroll down to “Ensemble Requirements” and look for your instrument. The etudes will be listed. Students should talk to their private instructors about getting copies of these etudes. Students who do not take private lessons but who wish to audition for All-State Band should see Mr. Chumley about getting copies of the etudes. ANY STUDENT WHO WISHES TO BE IN SYMPHONIC WINDS MUST AUDITION FOR ALL-STATE BAND. If you were not selected to be in Symphonic Winds when the rosters were posted, being selected for All-State Band is the “golden ticket”. If you make All-State Band, congratulations, you are a member of Symphonic Winds. If you were selected for Symphonic Winds (on the rosters posted on March 11) and you don’t audition for All-State Band, and someone else makes All-State Band that was not originally selected, that person will take your spot. SO, audition for All-State Band!

That’s it for this week. A lot of information. If there are any questions, please contact either Mr. Chumley or Mr. Snyder at their school email.

Thank you.

Phil Chumley
Assistant Director of Bands
Lakota West High School
513-874-5699 x10055 (x10357 voice mail)