Upbeat Update 3/18/13 – (pancakes, pillows, Unos, DVDs, Macys, McDonalds, Upbeat mtg)

Jazz ‘N Cakes – is coming next Saturday morning 3/23.  We are in desperate need of adult volunteers. If you are a PARENT please CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer for a 2 hour shift.  We are also very short of student sign ups.  Student sign up sheets will be placed in the band rooms this week.  Students are expected to work a shift and can earn service hours for doing so.  This is one of our major fundraisers and a fantastically fun event, come hungry and eat before your shift!  Students have been given 5 tickets to sell for this event.  Please put the money in a marked envelope and turn in to Mr. Chumley.

Uniform pillows – are all completed and will be available for pick up at Jazz ‘N Cakes, please stop at the band spirit booth to get yours.  Extras were made so if you did not order one you can still purchase one for $50.  They will be available for immediate pick up at Jazz ‘N Cakes and then online through spirit wear.

THANK YOU!  To the fantastic, dedicated group of band moms (student, and dad) that worked so very hard for 5 Saturdays, a holiday, and at home to create 148 unique, made with love, hand crafted pillows in just one month:  Malinda Anderson, Dave Bubash, Michelle Catania, Michelle Dembicky, Carole Engle, Karen Ferguson, Kelly Fish, Ellen Fogle, Yvonne Frederick, Michaela & Tricia Hertz, Anne Hochwalt, Mariam Kassem, Gale Kieback, Sara McPhail, Cindy Schubart, Kathy Schwartz, Karen Simmons, Michelle Smith, Carol Sparks, Sue Tanner, Jill Trygier, and Laura Zajac!

April Taste of Music (Uno’s 4/18) – Uno’s does not allow electronic flyers for their events so paper flyers will be available for pick up at Jazz  ‘N Cakes, in the band rooms, and at the 4/16 Upbeat meeting.  Uno’s gives the band 20% of the check (including alcohol, excluding tax & tip) for take out and dine in.  Flyers can not be distributed in the restaurant or the parking lot so be sure to take one with you at one of these events.

Marching Firebird DVDs (final call) – Don’t miss your chance to own the DVD of this year’s Marching Band season – “Empire.”  Each DVD is $35 and is delivered to the address noted on the order.  We will take orders through March 31, 2013 for all DVDs.  The Empire DVD will ship after October 1, 2013.  You can still order 2011’s DVD “Bravo” also for $35 each.  The “Bravo” DVD will ship after April 30, 2013 (possibly in October with Empire).  To place your order, please CLICK HERE.

MACYS – The followers package has been filled, please do not sign up at this time.  There is 1 slot left if a family needs to add a person to their package/room.   Please contact Sue Tanner if you are interested in this slot.  A potential 3rd followers bus has been opened.  CLICK HERE to sign up.  You do not have to purchase the followers package to sign up for the bus to NY.

New Fundraiser, McDonalds Host/Hostess – We need 8-10 adults for 3 hours on each date at the Beckett Ridge McDonalds (across from Kroger) to act as hosts/greeters: help carry food, clean tables, pour coffee, and be friendly while wearing our band spirit wear (if you have it)!  In return the band receives 15% of the food sales (walk up and drive thru) during those hours.  Please CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up.

PAYMENTS – with tax refunds coming in this is a reminder that payments for band camp or any trip can be made “in advance” by selecting as many payments as you would like to pay and putting them in your cart.  While in Charms any amount you choose can be paid towards an event.

UPBEAT MEETING 3/19 – The next meeting of the Lakota West Upbeat Club will be March 19th at 7:30pm in the Lakota West HS band room. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We are a parent volunteer group that supports all band activities. If you have a student in any band, grades 7-12, you are a member. Come to the meeting and learn more about what we do and how to get more involved especially as we get closer to Macy’s.