Jazz ‘N Cakes – Thanks to all the vendors that participated in our very successful Market Street. To view a full list of vendors please CLICK HERE. Please continue to support these vendors throughout the year to thank them for their support of the band.
Winterguard – The weekend of 3/23 our winterguard placed 2nd with their highest score of the season! They will be competing this weekend at the Tri State Championships. They perform Friday 4/5 at 5:52pm at Ryle HS in Ryle, KY. Good luck!
New Fundraiser, McDonalds – Our first event is Sunday 4/14 from 10am – 1pm. We need 8-10 adults for 3 hours on each date at the Beckett Ridge McDonalds (across from Kroger) to act as hosts/greeters: help carry food, clean tables, pour coffee, and be friendly while wearing our band spirit wear (if you have it)! In return the band receives 15% of the food sales (walk up and drive thru) during those hours. Please CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up.
Kroger Community Rewards Renewal – It’s time for the annual re registration of Kroger cards to our Upbeat number. EVERYONE who has registered their card with Kroger needs to re register to our Upbeat Community Rewards number in order for the band to continue to receive credit past 5/1/13. Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to re register your card. Please do this by 4/30.
April Taste of Music (Uno’s 4/18) – Uno’s does not allow electronic flyers for their events so paper flyers will be available for pick up in the band rooms and at the 4/16 Upbeat meeting. Uno’s gives the band 20% of the check (including alcohol, excluding tax & tip) for take out and dine in. Flyers can not be distributed in the restaurant or the parking lot so be sure to take one with you at one of these events if you did not receive one at Jazz ‘N Cakes.
PAYMENTS – There are payments for both MB fees and Macy’s (student & followers) due 4/30. With tax refunds coming in this is a reminder that payments for band camp or any trip can be made “in advance” by selecting as many payments as you would like to pay and putting them in your cart. While in Charms any amount you choose can be paid towards an event.