Upbeat Updates 5/20/13 – (scholarships, final concerts, Kroger, DVDs, Jazz, Upbeat, trips)

Marching Band Scholarships — Lakota West families looking for assistance with their student’s marching band fees are encouraged to apply for grant consideration. Upbeat Club money is set aside each year from fundraisers and donations to cover 1/2 of the marching band fee assessed to students participating in the Lakota West Marching Band, including Color Guard.  This need based scholarship opportunity is for students in grades 9-12.  Families interested in this scholarship must submit an application per student to Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org. A limited number of scholarships are available. The deadline for consideration for the 2013 marching season is this Friday, May 24, 2013.  Please CLICK HERE for more info and to access the application.  *All applications must be submitted by the deadline date.

Need a graduation gift? – The Upbeat club will be at the final concerts (5/20 & 5/21) selling Macy’s spirit wear, uniform pillows, and other assorted items.  Stop by and shop and (re) register your Kroger card.  If you bought a uniform jacket in November you may pick up the pants we owe you at the Monday concert.

Looking for a musically themed gift? Now’s your chance to order sterling silver charms (most instruments and more!) and necklaces while supporting the bands at the same time. Maribeth Schrudder will be showing jewelry samples and taking orders and payment at both the Freshman and High School concerts this week. Inspired Designs will donate 20% of every sale to benefit the band so be sure to bring your cash or checkbooks and stop by before or after your concert to take a look. Maribeth is one of our long-time Jazz ‘n Cakes vendors and donated a beautiful sterling silver music charm and necklace for our silent auction as well!

Kroger Rewards Renewal at Concerts – The Upbeat club will be at both concerts next week (5/20 & 5/21) to help people (re) register their Kroger cards.  EVERYONE who has registered their card with Kroger needs to re register to our Upbeat Community Rewards number in order for the band to continue to receive credit past 5/1/13.  Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to re register your card.  This is the easiest fundraiser for the band.

Marching Firebird DVDs (final call) – Don’t miss your chance to own the DVD of this year’s Marching Band season – “Empire.”  Each DVD is $35 and is delivered to the address noted on the order.  We will take orders through May 23, 2013 for all DVDs.  The Empire DVD will ship after October 1, 2013.  You can also still order the 2011 DVD “Bravo” for $35 each.  The “Bravo” DVD will ship after June 30, 2013 (possibly in October with Empire).  To place your order, please CLICK HERE.

Lakota Summer Jazz Clinic – For students entering grades 7-9 in the fall, please click for more information and the registration form:  The Lakota Summer Jazz Clinic flyer 2013

Upbeat  — Due  to the conflict with the Freshman concert, the next Upbeat meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30 in the band room.  We are still in need of a Treasurer & DVD/Video owner for next year.  If you are interested, please contact Malinda Anderson at malindap1@netzero.net 

PAYMENTS & TRIPS — The following payments are due 5/31:  MB fees #3 ($100) and Macy’s student/chaperone trip #5 ($100).  Please check all of your account balances in Charms and make payments promptly so that we can meet our payment schedule with Gateway.  There are still seats available on the followers bus.  CLICK HERE to sign up.