Upbeat Updates 7/19 – (paying for uniform items, meds)

Paying for items for Uniform Fitting Week – While we are waiting for all of the individual payment pages to come back up on the web site we have discovered a “work around” to get to the page you need.  Please CLICK HERE.  This will take you to the Fees and Uniform Items page where you can select the uniform items you want to put in your cart through the appropriate drop down menus one at a time, and once finished selecting and updating quantities, pay for all the items together in one payment.  Bring your Paypal receipt to uniform fitting day as proof of payment.

Medications during Band Camp – This is a friendly reminder that we are not allowed to dispense any kind of medications to any students during pre/post or band camp.  Please make sure that you take your medications before you come to camp or during the afternoon breaks at home.  If this is not possible, a parent will have to administer any medications a student may be required to take on school property.  This is discouraged and should only happen as an extreme exception.  Please contact Phil Chumley at  Phillip.Chumley@lakotaonline.com  with any questions regarding this policy.