Freshman Announcements for week of Sept 16-21

1.       Chair placement auditions are complete.  We’ve begun our preparations for our Fall Concert on Tuesday, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:00 pm here at the Freshman Auditorium.

2.       Freshman Night with the Marching Firebirds was a complete success.  Thanks to all for helping make it happen.

3.       The Freshman Band Aides are all signed up and ready to go.  They will be needed for this weekend’s competition at Hamilton High School on Saturday, September 21.   The Band Aides that are going to participate this weekend need to come to marching band rehearsal on Thursday, September 19 at 8:00 pm at the Freshman School Stadium.  Some things the band aides will need for Saturday – a plain black shirt, black pants (black jeans are ok, blue jeans are not), black (as black as you can get) shoes and socks.   Report time for Saturday is 5:30 pm at the band room on Main Campus.  We will be taking school buses to the event.

4.       Saturday, September 21 is also the Band’s Mattress Sale.  Please tell as many people as you can about the sale.  You never know who needs or has been thinking about buying a mattress.  That’s my story this year, been thinking about it for a while.  I’ll be looking hard for one myself!  If a buyer was referred by a student, have the mattress buyer give the sales people the student’s name and the student will get cash! And the band will make a great profit, all of which gets spent on the students.

That’s it for this week.