MEDICATIONS during the trip to New York City, New York

Important Macy’s Information



DATE:     SEPTEMBER 20th, 2013

SUBJECT:  MEDICATIONS during the trip to New York City, New York

Ohio law (ORCORC 3313.718/3313.141)and Lakota School Board Policy 6510 require a signed permit for the Lakota Band Staff to be able to provide any type of medication to the students while traveling with the band.  This includes Prescription Medications and ALL OVER-THE-COUNTER medications, which include Aspirin, Tylenol (acetaminophen), Motrin, Advil (ibuprofen), Tums (antacids), and cough syrup.  Instructions for complying with this policy are outlined below.  Students are NOT PERMITTED to carry medications on their person.  ONLY Self-Carry Asthma inhalers & Self –Carry Severe Allergy Epi-Pens, are permitted with the correct medication forms completed.

  1. A SEPARATE Medication Permission (Form 6510A) MUST be provided for EVERY MEDICAL ITEM the student will need while on the MACY’s trip.  These forms MUST BE SIGNED BY YOUR DOCTOR, as well as a PARENT/GUARDIAN.  This will include self-carry inhalers and Epi-Pens.  PLEASE NOTE-there is a different Medication Permission (Form 6510J) for students who normally carry their Epi-Pens.
  2. These forms are available on the Main Lakota website (not the band website) or from Mr. Chumley at the Main Campus.
  3. The forms and the accompanying medications Must all be turned in, to be verified, by Mrs. Teresa Hesselbrock, RN, BSN (Registered Nurse for LWHS).  These will be collected, by Mrs. Hesselbrock, RN, BSN, before the Marching Band Concert on Thursday, Nov 7, 2013. She will be available, on Main Street LWHS, at 6:00 pm, one hour before the concert begins.
  4. Each medication, prescription or over-the-counter MUST HAVE THE STUDENTS NAME ON THE CONTAINER.  If it’s an over-the-counter medication, please write your students name on the bottle with a black permanent marker.  Prescription Medication must be in the actual prescription bottle, bearing the student’s name, dosage, and administration instructions. Your pharmacy should provide, for free, an extra prescription bottle for school and/or field trips. 
  5. We are leaving on Monday, November 25 and returning on Saturday, November 30.  If you have a prescription medication that is oral (a pill), please send in only enough pills for the timeframe we will be gone.  Please DO NOT send in an entire bottle of prescription pills.  Again, your pharmacy will provide, for free, an extra prescription bottle for school and/or field trips.  Remember, the prescription bottle must have a “Prescription Label” that will match the information on the Medication Permission form.
  6. Student Self-Carry Inhalers and Student Self-Carry Epi-Pens,  Must, also, be turned in to Mrs. Teresa Hesselbrock, RN, BSN (registered nurse for LWHS) to confirm verification of the information on the Medication Permission Form with the information on the inhaler/Epipens.  Inhalers and Epi -Pens are THE ONLY type of medication that a student may SELF-CARRY, Please REMIND physicians to include this on the Medication Permission Form.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with these talented students:

Again, the deadline for turning in all Medical Paperwork will be November 7, 2013 prior to the Band concert on Main Street with Mrs. Hesselbrock, RN, BSN, starting at 6pm.

If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mr. Phil Chumley at, 513-874-5699 x10055, or, Mrs. Teresa Hesselbrock, RN BSN at – direct clinic line 682-4126.  We will do our best to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

Thank you for time and understanding.

Phil Chumley and Teresa Hesselbrock, RN, BSN