IMPORTANT Update on Medications for the Macy’s Trip

It has come to our attention that the form number for the Medication Permit has been changed.  The new form number is 5330 F1.  If you are looking on, go to the “Forms and Documents” tab on the left side of the main page, click on that and then click on the “file search” box and enter 5330 F1.  It will take you to the link to print the form.  Mr. Chumley will have copies of all the medical forms at the Macy’s trip parent meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Lakota West Freshman School Auditorium.  If you have the old form 6510A, it will be accepted and there’s no need to complete the new form.  If you have any questions, please contact either Phil Chumley,, or, Teresa Hesselbrock,

Thank you.