Scrip, Swing Dance Correction, Macy’s Lost items

December Scrip orders due noon Friday 12/13 –  Don’t forget to get your Scrip orders in this month.  For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.  The deadline for orders this month is December 10, 2013  if you mail your order, and noon December 13th if you drop it off.  There are MANY cards on “special” this month with an extra percentage going to the band.  Cards will be delivered by 12/18.  Scrip cards make great holiday gifts, please consider ordering cards for gift giving this season.

Swing Dance Friday December 13th 7:30-10pm volunteers needed (CORRECTION) – The performance times in the previous post were incorrect the correct times are below.  Sorry for any confusion.

~7:45    West Freshman

~8:35    Jazz Combo

~9:20    West Jazz Ensemble

Macy’s Trip Lost items —  If you left any items behind on the bus, please check the lost & found table in the band room first.  When the chaperones cleared the buses after the trip most items left behind were put on that table to be claimed.