Upbeat Updates 1/3 – (Scrip, Jazz ‘n Cakes) – Happy New Year!

January Scrip orders due noon Friday 1/17 –  Don’t forget to get your Scrip orders in this month.  For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.  The deadline for orders this month is January 14, 2014  if you mail your order, and noon January 17th if you drop it off.  Scrip card proceeds are used to defray trip costs for all band members.

Jazz ‘N Cakes Donation Request – We are underway with planning another exciting Market Street at our annual Jazz ‘n Cakes fundraiser on Saturday, March 22, 2014.  Please keep us in mind if you received a Holiday gift that maybe wasn’t quite what you had wanted or needed. We are in need of new items to fill our variety of baskets for our raffles and silent auctions. Maybe your child got a duplicate book or toy, or you already have that household appliance; whatever the case may be, please consider donating any new items to Jazz ‘n Cakes.  If you own a business, please consider making a basket raffle donation and have your company name included in our programs. If you are able to make a donation or have questions about how to make a large item donation (vacation rental, sporting event tickets, etc.), please contact Bill Hertz at market@lakotawestbands.org to arrange pick-up of your item(s). Thank you for your help in making Jazz ‘n Cakes a success! We hope to see you March 22nd!