07/08/15 – Upbeat Updates (Uniform Volunteers Needed, Band Schedule Updates)

Uniform Volunteers during Pre Band Camp:

Hello Band Parents!

Hope you are enjoying your Summer!!!

To make it even more meaningful, the uniform committee is extending a special invitation:




July 20, 2015 – July 24, 2015

The Evenings of Pre Band Camp

Please RSVP by simply clicking HERE for a shift!

No experience is necessary!  Come as you are! Bring family, friends, and even ALUMNI !!!

This is a great way to meet other parents, re-establish friendships, and see with whom your kids will be spending a lot of time!

Feel free to sign up for as many shifts in which you can partake.  We moved the times to the evenings to accommodate most working parent’s schedules.

As you all know, it takes a lot of people to make all of this happen (count the shifts)…. so, we need as many volunteers as possible.

We will be passing out uniform parts and products as well as making final adjustments on the Marching Band Uniforms.  Speaking of which, we need as many hemmers as possible.

Did we mention we need HEMMERS?

We even have a very special shift specified for you!!! That’s how special you are!!! You can hem here (band room), you can hem there (home), on a boat, or with a goat (just be careful, goats like to eat fabric)!!!  We will have plenty of pants that need hemming… so, show up when you can but it would be lovely to have some hemmers on board during the shifts, too.  Pants will be available for pick up at the end of each fitting day and will need to be returned prior to August 5th for picture day.  Contact information is on SignUpGenius for questions.

Thank you all in advance for your eager participation!

Look forward to seeing everyone again!



Band Schedule Updates:

Below please find some updated dates from the original band calendar:

  • Fall concert will be held Oct 6 at Freshman School for all bands.
  • Holiday concert will be Dec 14 at Main Campus for Red,  White, Winds and Dec 15 at Freshman school for Freshman.
  • State contest for Marching Band will be Sunday, November 1 in Dayton vs. Saturday, October 31 in Columbus.  This is a change from previously posted.

Marching Band Rehearsals and Performances, Concert and Jazz Band Concerts, and many other events are now on the Lakota West Bands Website Calendar – CLICK HERE to check it out!