Lakota West Upbeat Club’s first meeting of the school year: Tuesday, August 18 at 7:30pm in the band room. Come hear about the season’s plans and get connected!
Band parents – Uno’s has been very supportive of our fundraising efforts the last several years, and the Uno’s owner has asked if some of our outstanding band volunteers would help with the Food Truck Rally at Union Center on Friday, August 14. A portion of the proceeds goes to Reach Out Lakota. It would be great if we thanked them for their support by helping them to get a good volunteer turn-out. Please CLICK HERE for more details and to sign up on signup genius to help!
First football game is less than a month away on August 28!
CLICK HERE to find more information on volunteering for Split the Pot ticket sales!
Missed sign-ups for Pit Crew at the Tailgate Picnic? Contact if you’re interested in volunteering.
Like to play with big video cameras? Contact if you are interested in videoing one or more marching band shows or concerts. Training provided! |
Looking for an opportunity to volunteer? We are still looking for a concert uniform co-chair, a programs chair, a co-chair for the April Jazz ‘N Cakes breakfast, and someone to coordinate the vendors at the Jazz ‘N Cakes breakfast. See below for more information:
Concert Uniform Co-Chair Responsibilities:
- Fit concert uniforms for Red, White, and Winds tuxes with a group of volunteers (requested through e-mail blast or sign-up genius) during classes in September. Coordinate the dates for fitting days with Mr. Carr. Bow ties, cummerbunds and tux shirts will be sold at this time also.
- Coordinate with volunteers to get all the pants hemmed that need to be adjusted.
- Be at concert locations about 1 hour early (all Red, White, Winds concerts) to check uniforms and help with any uniform issues.
- Take care of any uniform problems during the year (cleaning, mending, switching bands, etc.)
- Order needed inventory of cummerbunds, bow ties for Red, White, & Winds for next year. Measure for Winds dresses and order along with pearls for Winds.
- Collect uniforms with a group of volunteers (requested e-mail blast or sign-up genius) after last concert in spring.
- Work with directors and dry-cleaner to arrange dry-cleaning PO; prep uniforms to go out for dry-cleaning; send them out, and receive them and put them away on return. Volunteers available to help.
Program Chair Responsibilities:
- Design concert program covers for November Marching Band, and Red/White/Winds and Freshman Concerts in October, December, March, and May. Include senior information in May concert.
- Work with directors to obtain listings of students in each band (chair order) and information about the band’s planned program.
- Include thank you information to supporting businesses and volunteers as appropriate. Coordinate this with club officers and publicity chair.
- Make arrangements to have programs copied and deliver them to the appropriate concert location before first attendees arrive.
Jazz ‘N Cakes Co-chair: Work with talented small team to coordinate Jazz N’ Cakes pancake breakfast, our 2nd largest fundraiser. Lots of experience on team, new leader needed to work beside an experienced leader to learn the ropes for the 16/17 school year. Role includes ticket design and order, meeting leadership, requests for donated supplies, etc.
Jazz ‘N Cakes Market Street Vendor Coordinator: Attend 3-4 meetings prior to the event, working with the Jazz ‘N Cakes team. Contact vendors to purchase a booth/table to participate in the Main Street Market. Supervise vendor area set-up and assign tables to vendors. Collect payment and ensure vendor needs are met.