A communication from the Lakota West Upbeat Club and Directors
This Communication Covers:
- Tag Day Thank you
- Concert Uniforms
- Thirty-One Fundraiser
- Spiritwear
- Yard Signs
- Mattress Sale Fundraiser
- Canes Taste for Music Fundraiser
- Bus Chaperones
- Pictures
- Concerts on Spotify
- Calendar
Tag Day Thank you!
WOW! Thank you to all the parent volunteers and students who spent a beautiful Saturday morning working together to help our band program. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year and we appreciate each and every one that volunteered their time. Thank you to Lisa Vaillancourt who managed all the details and pre-planning for this massive undertaking again this year!
Concert Uniforms
Concert Uniforms fittings for main campus bands only, are 8/28 and 8/29 during the school day, during block bells
There are no individual fittings rooms, students should wear slim fitting shorts and shirts for fitting day. Those uniforms not in need of alterations will be sent home with your student on those days.
NOTE – Symphonic Winds for girls:
•Dress $70.00 – purchased by the students and hemmed on their own
•Pearl Necklace $8.00 – purchased by the students
These items are purchased and kept by the students and a check made payable to the Upbeat Club must be brought on fitting day and turned in to Mrs. Smith so it can be ordered in time for the concert.
For all Bands the students will be responsible for providing:
•White Tuxedo shirt – available at Hobby Lobby, check site for coupon
•Black shoes (drill masters or dress shoes, closed toe, no sandals)
•Black socks for all students (to cover ankles, tops of foot cannot be bare,)
•Bow tie $5.00 and cummerbund $10.00 (black or red dependent on band placement)
Bow tie and cummerbund sales will take place on September 10th during 4th, 5th and 6th period. Payment for the items are due the day of purchase (9/10) , checks made payable to the Upbeat Club. If you have a bow tie/cummerbund from last year and need a different color, we can do an exchange for items that are in good condition.
Volunteers needed to help get the kids done during the allotted time. We also need hemmers and help with alterations that can be done on your own time.
Link for the concert band fitting days: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090548AFAB2DA20-concert3
Link for concert band alterations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090548AFAB2DA20-concert4
Questions can be directed to Katie Smith at concertuniforms@
Thirty-One Fundraiser
So many great gift ideas for yourself or friends and family. Check out the link here – http://bit.ly/2yUxgAy Sales end 8/31.
Spirit-wear sales are still open! Shop now and get your swag for the season – http://bit.ly/2ZvIvdE
Yard Signs
Its not too late – online orders accepted through 8/29. Payment is sent to PO box (check or cash). No online payments at this time. Order here – http://bit.ly/2KYKALa
Mattress Sale Fundraiser
This has been a very successful fundraiser for the band program for the past eleven years and we are very excited for another successful event. Brand new, name brand mattress sets with discounted pricing. Top quality mattress sets with full manufacturer warranties. Much higher quality for price than a retail store! All sizes, price ranges, delivery and interest free financing will be available. Floor models will be on display at Lakota West High School from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 21. If you’ve been thinking about a new mattress… come check out this event!! For more information or if you need a new mattress before this sale, contact Ultimate Fundraising Solutions at debbie.harbin@cfsbeds.com Every sale will directly benefit the Lakota West Marching Band! Flyer to share with family, friends and at work – https://lakotawestbands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Lakota-West-Mattress-flyer-2019.pdf
Canes Taste for Music Fundraiser
Our Canes Taste for Music Fundraiser has been rescheduled to Wednesday 10/2 due to a district scheduling conflict. More details coming! Come out to support our drumline and beat Mason!
Bus Chaperones
Individual pictures were taken today, the large group photo is postponed to Monday 9/9 at 8pm.
Also, the composite frames pictures in the band room are taken every few years, and this is our year! Those pictures will be taken after school on Monday 9/9 and Tuesday 9/10.
Concerts on Spotify
From Lifeboat Digital Media: We finally have a deal in place that allows us to distribute all recordings via streaming services for free on Spotify. They can still sell CD’s if that is your preference. Contact Jeff at info@lifeboatdigitalmedia.com
2018 LWHS Fall Band Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2018 LWHS Holiday Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2019 LWHS Winter Band Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2019 LWHS Spring Band Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2019 LWHS Music Hall Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2018 CYWE Fall Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
2019 CYWE Spring Concert: https://open.spotify.com/
- Link to Calendar Here
- Wednesday August 28
- Concert Uniform Fittings during block bells
- Thursday August 29
- Concert Uniform Fittings during block bells
- Monday Sept 2
- No school, no band
- Wednesday Sept 4
- 3:00 – 5:30pm – Band Practice at Main Campus parking lot
- Thursday Sept 5
- 6pm – 9pm – Band Practice at Freshman Building
- Friday Sept 6
- 5pm est – 10pm – Home Football Game
- Saturday Sept 7
- 9am – 9pm – Band Practice, location tbd, probably Freshman Building