A communication from the Lakota West Upbeat Club and Directors
This Communication Covers:
- Taste for Music Days
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Fundraisers
- Calendar Highlights
Taste for Music Days – save these dates!
Canes – Wednesday October 2 from 10am-10pm
A portion of every purchase will be donated to the Lakota West Upbeat Club. Also, we are competing with Mason! They had their night on 9/4, and whichever school brings in the most money on their date gets a plaque and free Cane’s for the drumline for a year!! That’s right, our drumline will be performing at CANES around 7pm on 10/2. Print this flyer to share – click here for flyer
Uno’s Pizzeria and Grill – Tuesday October 15, appx time 11a-10pm
City BBQ – Tuesday November 5 from 10:30am – 10pm
Volunteer Opportunities
Bus Chaperones needed for 2019 Marching Band Competitions
3rd Quarter Refreshments
Volunteers needed to help serve pop and cookies to Marching Firebirds and visiting bands during the third quarter of home football games.
Sell 50/50 raffle tickets during one or more football games, before game and until halftime, leaving you free to watch the band’s performance at halftime.
Mattress Sale – Saturday Sept 21 from 10a-5 at West High School
Brand new, name brand mattress sets with discounted pricing. Top quality mattress sets with full manufacturer warranties. Much higher quality for price than a retail store! All sizes, price ranges, delivery and interest free financing will be available. Floor models will be on display at Lakota West High School from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 21. If you’ve been thinking about a new mattress… come check out this event!! For more information or if you need a new mattress before this sale, contact Ultimate Fundraising Solutions at debbie.harbin@cfsbeds.com. Every sale will directly benefit the Lakota West Marching Band! Flyer to share with family, friends and at work – https://lakotawestbands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Lakota-West-Mattress-flyer-2019.pdf Have you heard about the Incentive program for the students?! Student referral program – click here
The first group of orders are in! Orders should be picked up this Thursday 9/12 at the evening rehearsal at the Freshman Field. The online store is currently closed, but will reopen soon. Jackets are still available!
Our consultant has kept our sales open through 9/14. Thank you! Lots of great gift ideas for your self or friends and family. Share this link with your friends to buy on their own – https://www.mythirtyone.com/us/en/sferencak/collection/customer-special
Calendar – link to calendar
- Tuesday Sept 10
- Concert Bow-Tie and Cummerbund purchase/exchange during main campus band bells
- Individual Composite pictures continue after school at main campus
- Wednesday Sept 11
- Band Practice 3p-5:30pm at main campus parking lot
- Thursday Sept 12
- Band Practice 6-9pm at Freshman Campus
- Pick up Spiritwear orders at field
- Friday Sept 13
- Saturday Sept 14
- Marching Band Competition at Taylor High School
- Show link here – our performance time is 8:05pm
- Schedule sent out through Charms and copied into band calendar – rehearsal at
Freshman FieldMAIN CAMPUS at 1pm - Tickets are $12/adult, Sr/child – $8
- Monday Sept 16
- Band Practice 6:30pm – 9pm at main campus stadium
- Tuesday Sept 17
- Wednesday Sept 18
- Band Practice 3p-5:30pm at main campus parking lot
- Thursday Sept 19
- Band Practice 6-9pm at Freshman Campus
- Freshman join, schedule tbd
- Upbeat Club meeting at 6:30pm, Freshman Bandroom
- Friday Sept 20
- Lakota West Band Night!
- Saturday Sept 21
- Mattress Sale 10a-5pm
- Students will be assigned by section to help with sale for appx an hour