A communication from the Lakota West Upbeat Club and Directors
This Communication Covers:
- Honors
- Taste for Music Days – please come dine with us!
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Spiritwear
- BOA Indy Trip and Angel Fund
- Calendar Highlights
Evelyn Best and Isaac Yoby will join the “best of the best” for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) 2019 All-National Honor Ensembles on November 7–10, 2019, at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Lakota West has had four students in four years be selected for this prestegious honor. Outstanding! More information on their site – https://nafme.org/programs/all-national-honor-ensembles/
Mid-States Band Competition at Taylor High School on 9/14
Lakota West showed that hard work pays off! We won Best in Music, Colorguard, Percussion, Visual and GE, won First in Open Class and were named Grand Champions at our first competition. Great Job everyone!
Taste for Music Days – save these dates!
New Web Page with all our dates and flyers is here (Thanks Deb P!)
Canes – Wednesday October 2
A portion of every purchase will be donated to the Lakota West Upbeat Club. Also, we are competing with Mason! They had their night on 9/4, and whichever school brings in the most money on their date gets a plaque and free Cane’s for the drumline for a year!! That’s right, our drumline will be performing at CANES around 7pm on 10/2. Print this flyer to share – click here for flyer
Uno’s Pizzeria and Grill – Tuesday October 15
Flyer posted here when available. 20% donated to Upbeat Club for every sale! DIne-in or Carryout! Uno has become a top sponsor for Lakota West Bands this year, so dining here on 10/15 will show our appreciation as well!
City BBQ – Tuesday November 5 from
Volunteer Opportunities
Bus Chaperones needed for 2019 Marching Band Competitions
Applications are required for the Grand Nationals trip to Indianapolis in November. Click here for application. They are due 10/4. Questions – chaperones@lakotawestbands.org or LWUpbeat@gmail.com.
3rd Quarter Refreshments
Volunteers needed to help serve pop and cookies to Marching Firebirds and visiting bands during the third quarter of home football games.
Sell 50/50 raffle tickets during one or more football games, before game and until halftime, leaving you free to watch the band’s performance at halftime. We need a couple more for this Friday!
All previous orders including Parent shirts can be picked up Thursday at rehearsal in the stands. Store is open through 10/2. Order jackets NOW if interested. We do not keep the store open the entire band season.
LInk to store is here – https://stores.inksoft.com/lakota_west_upbeat_club/shop/products/all?page=1
BOA Grand Nationals Trip 11/14-17
Lots of information in recent Charms email. We will add Trip page to website soon to house all things Grand Nationals!
Angel Fund – Lakota West families looking for assistance with their children’s marching band travel fees for mandatory competitions are encouraged to apply for consideration. Upbeat Club money is set aside from fundraisers and donations to cover marching band travel fees for mandatory competitions assessed to students participating in the Lakota West Marching Band, including Color Guard. This scholarship opportunity is for students in grades 9-12. Families interested in submitting an application for consideration must submit this application to Candi Vance at president@lakotawestbands.org. A limited number of scholarships are available. Click here for application.
Calendar – link to calendar
- Monday Sept 23
- Band Practice 6:30pm – 9pm at main campus stadium
- Wednesday Sept 25
- Band Practice 3p-5:30pm at main campus parking lot – remember your flip folder
- Thursday Sept 26
- Band Practice 6-9pm at Freshman Campus
- Spiritwear Pickup!
- Friday Sept 27
- Homecoming Football Game – 5:45pm – full uniform in theater, competition show at postgame
- See Charms email for details for BOA Week!