We are in need of volunteers for the weeks of Post Camp and Bonus Camp. THANK YOU to all the parents/guardians that have helped out the last two weeks. Video message from the students to the parents here!
Band Camp Volunteer Signup –

Uniform Fittings August 3 & 4 – at HIGH SCHOOL
Please read and review this document prior to fittings – Link to Document
Please see schedule below for students to attend according to their section.
Thursday is for MAKEUPS ONLY. Contact Mrs. Himelstein, 513-884-9019 or
We are still in need of a few more volunteers to keep us on schedule. Thank you!
Uniform Fitting Volunteer Signup –

Donations needed for Third Qtr Refreshments at Home Football Games
To keep us well stocked for 3rd quarter refreshments, all students are requested to bring TWO 2-LITER BOTTLES OF LEMONADE OR CLEAR SODA (no orange, red, or dark sodas) AND TWO FULL SIZED PACKAGES OF COOKIES (no frosted cookies, please) to their Uniform Fitting Night. Donations may be dropped in the bins at the band doors as you enter for fittings at the high school.