Fund Raising and Volunteer Opportunities

Mattress Sale
We will be having our Mattress Sale Fund Raiser with Lakota West Cheer once again and our date is October 23 from 10am-4pm at the high school in the upper gym. No parent volunteers needed (!), but we deperataley need you to spread the word and it is super easy. We need each family to do one or all of the following marketing tasks for the band:
- Pick up a yard sign and flyers at the end of Thursday’s (10/7) rehearsal from Kim York and prominatley display it till 10/23.
- On Facebook, mark that you are interested or going on the Facebook event so that status shows up in your personal feed. Facebook Event
- On Facebook, go to the Event page and Invite your friends. Click the grey box labeled ‘Invite’.
- On Facebook, go to the Event page and click on the arrow and share it to your personal page and add a comment.
- On Facebook, if you are in a Neighborhood group, go the Event page and use the arrow button the ‘Share to a group’ and share it to a neighboorhood page. Be sure to mention the $50 off coupon!
- On Twitter, go to the latest tweet about the event, and like and retweet it with or without adding a comment. Tweet
- Use flyers: Print this flyer or use the link to email to family and friends. It includes a $50 off coupon! Many will also gladly help spread the word! Flyer
Students will also soon hear about exciting incentives, so be sure the shoppers mention the student that told them about the sale!

Our Spiritwear store has reopened so don’t delay so you will have items in tim for the trip! Be sure to check out the Utah Trip shirts!
Midway through the marching band season means it’s time to wash all of the uniforms! All parts are machine washable on a gentle/permanent press cycle and machine dryable on cool/permanent press cycle, and we need YOUR help! Detailed uniform care instructions are provided, as well as washing and stain treatment products. Please plan to pick up uniforms and laundering supplies in the Band Room after the game October 8th. All clean uniform items should be returned to the Lakota West Main Band Room on MONDAY OCTOBER 11th between 6-7pm or TUESDAY OCTOBER 12TH between 6-7 unless other arrangements are made. Thank you so much for your help keeping our Marching Band looking amazing on the field!
Link to sign up to help wash uniforms
Sponsorship Opportunity and Levels 2021
Thanks to our Sponsorship Team, we are excited to share our Sponsorship levels for 2021! Any questions, please contact Krystal at or
Photo Albums
Calendar Highlights
Lakota Fall Jazz Concert is Tuesday 10/5 starting at 6:30pm at the West Theater. Both Lakota West and Lakota East ensembles will be performing! We are exciting to kick off our Live-Streaming by our Upbeat Tech Team at this concert. Links available in Calendar and Facebook Event.
Marching Band Senior Night is Friday October 8! Facebook Event.
Lakota West Fall Concert is Tuesday 10/19 starting at 6:30pm at the FRESHMAN Theater. All five bands grades 9-12 will perform. Order tba. Concerts will also be Live Streamed, please check back to the Facebook Event or Calendar for the links or just subscribe to our YouTube Channel.