We are close to starting the 2022 season of the Marching Firebirds! We are very excited for this year ahead! In order to make this machine work, we do need plenty of parent help, but we promise IT IS SO WORTH IT!! Your kids need parent volunteers to make these 4 weeks the safest and most productive environment for a successful season. Parent volunteers help support the directors and the students during band camp. We feed over 220 students and adults, take them on fun social outings to build friendships, provide first aid support, and keep them hydrated! Students will spend 180 hours over these 4 weeks working very hard and we will need adult support for all of those hours. If you are able to volunteer for even the smallest shift you have made a difference.
Our Pit Crew is also gearing up. If you are not already connected to Pit Crew and have an interest, please email pitcrew@lakotawestbands.org.
This group of dedicated adults get a front row seat to every performance, play a role in building and maintaining props, setting up for football games and performances, moving instruments, assisting our students in every way possible and have a lot of fun doing so. Requires no expertise.
As you restock your own pantries this week, grab an item or 2, or more, to help us restock Reach Out Lakota. Please see the flyer below for some suggestions.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.