Winter Break | December 20-January 3
Winter Guard
TONIGHT | VARSITY Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Freshman Gym
TONIGHT | JV Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Tomorrow/Saturday 12/16 | VARSITY Rehearsal | 12-9pm (dinner 4-5) | Freshman Gym
Tomorrow/Saturday 12/16 | JV Rehearsal | 9am-2pm | Creekside Gym
Tuesday 12/19 | VARSITY Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Freshman Gym
We’re looking for some volunteers to help with the planning for the Competition happening on January 27 at West Freshman. Similar to the Marching Band Invitational, we’ll form smaller committees to handle certain areas like concessions, vendors, ticket sales, hospitality suites, parking, volunteers, etc. If you are interested, please reach out to President@LakotaWestBands.org.
Competition Schedule (will be updated as schedule becomes available)
Competition hosted by Lakota West | Saturday 1/27
Taste Of Music
FINAL DAYS to purchase your Krispy Kreme and support our band!

Our favorite Taste of Music Fundraiser is back!!!
The Krispy Kreme fundraiser is going on. You pay $15 per dozen and 50% of each sale will be donated to Lakota West Upbeat Club!! You can share this fundraiser with friends and family out of town who can redeem their code at their local Krispy Kreme!
2. Choose the quantity & order delicious dozens
3. Pick up your doughnuts at 370+ participating Krispy Kreme locations across the U.S.
Share the link above with your friends and family on social media to let them know they can support Lakota West Upbeat Club just by eating doughnuts! The clock starts now—let’s get started!
We are still looking for a lead for the MATTRESS SALE. It is tentatively scheduled for the end of February.
JAZZ ‘N CAKES committee will start meeting in January. If you’re interested, you can reach out to pancake@lakotawestbands.org.
Our TRY BAND committee will also need some help with the Open House for elementary students & families, tentatively scheduled for January 25.
Any questions regarding volunteer positions can be directed to president@lakotawestbands.org.
And remember you can always find our volunteer needs and signups on our website, found under the ‘Parents’ tab.
Save the Dates
Honor Jazz Bands Weekend | January 5-7
Honor Concert Bands Weekend | January 12-14
Upbeat Club Meeting | January 18

Did you know the Upbeat Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
If you’re looking for an organization to donate end of year funds to, we qualify!
You could also qualify to receive the benefits of one of our Sponsorship Levels taking advantage of your donation for a full year!
You can reach out to sponsorships@lakotawestbands.org or president@lakotawestbands.org.