Saturday 2/17 | Winter Guard Competition | 12pm | Campbell County High School | JV performs 1:36pm | Varsity performs 5:21pm
Monday 2/19 | NO SCHOOL
Winter Guard
TONIGHT 2/16 | Rehearsall (JV) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Saturday 2/17 | Competition
Monday 2/19 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Tuesday 2/20 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Wednesday 2/21 | Rehearsal (JV) | 6-9pm | Creekside Gym
Thursday 2/22 | Rehearsal (Varsity) | 6-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium (6-7:30) & Gym (7:30-9:30)
Competition Schedule
TOMORROW 2/17 | Campbell County High School | JV performs at1:36pm / Varsity performs at 5:21pm
Saturday 3/2 (Varsity only) | Pittsburgh
Saturday 3/9 (Varsity only) | Milford High School
Saturday 3/16 | Ryle High School
Saturday 3/23 & Sunday 3/24 | Cincinnati (location TBA)
Saturday 3/30 (Varsity only) | location TBA
April 11-April 13 (Varsity only) | Dayton (location TBA)

Mattress Sale
Join us on Saturday, February 25 for the Mattress Sale Fundraiser! Even if you’re not in the market for a mattress, could you use new pillows? Sheets? Maybe a neighbor or friend is in the market, help us get the word out by sharing the FACEBOOK EVENT.
The sale will be set-up on Main Street of Main Campus.

Jazz ‘n Cakes

Tickets are ON SALE now!!! Find everything you need on our website HERE.
Join us for breakfast with the sweet sounds of our jazz students filling the room, a ton of raffle baskets & silent auction items available to win and Main Street filled with all of our favorite vendors…it’s a fun morning!
Tickets are on sale for the EVENT and RAFFLES.
If you would like to donate a raffle basket or anything to be put towards a raffle basket, please reach out to market@lakotawestbands.org. We’re also looking for vendors, vendors@lakotawestbands.org.
Taste for Music
Thanks to everyone who has participated in the Taste for Music Fundraisers. To date, we have earned close to $2,000. Our next event will be on Tuesday, March 5 at Wings & Rings Beckett Ridge.
Saturday 2/24 | Beavercreek Jazz Festival
Sunday 2/25 | Mattress Sale | West Main Campus
Monday 2/26 | Main Campus Band Concert
Tuesday 2/27 | Freshman Band Concert
Saturday 4/6 | Jazz ‘n Cakes
Marching Band
Hard to believe we’re already planning for the next season of Marching Band. The 2024-25 commitment forms and schedules were sent out last week and are due by February 28th. You can find the information HERE if you did not receive by email. If you know anybody interested, feel free to share.
For all of our new families, we will be updating our website with new information in the upcoming weeks and months. You can find information from the past season HERE for reference but it will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Look for a Rookie Meeting to be scheduled in the spring and all sorts of information to come soon about how to get and stay connected. THIS is also a good starting point. We are looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you into the band family with open arms!
We will be making nominations for the Upbeat Club Executive Board at our next meeting on March 21. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to president@lakotawestbands.org.
We will also be looking to fill some lead positions within the Upbeat Club. Look for more information to come out regarding these positions soon but you can read more about volunteer opportunities on our website HERE.
Jazz ‘n Cakes – volunteer signup COMING SOON
Band Camp – Our planning committee is forming and will start meeting in March. If you’d like to learn more, reach out to bandcamp@lakotawestbands.org.

Good luck to both of our Winter Guard groups as they compete tomorrow in Campbell County!