Monday 4/29, Tuesday, 4/30 & Thursday 5/2 | Concert Band Auditions | After School
Tuesday 4/30 | Percussion Ensemble Concert | 7pm | Main Campus Theater
Wednesday 5/1 | Spring Jazz Concert | 6pm | Main Campus Theater
With the start of a new season upon us (Marching Band Mini Camp is a month away), we’re looking to fill some important Upbeat positions and looking for shadows for some positions we know we will have open in the ’25-’26 season. Take a look at the list below, if you are interested or would like to speak further about any of the positions (an inquiry is NOT signing your life away), we would be happy to speak with you!
Marching Band is just as much fun for the parents as it is for the kids!!
- Communications Team – looking to build the team to help with social media, creating graphics using Canva, creating weekly emails, etc. (ongoing throughout the season)
- Day Trips Lead Chaperone – Be the main source of communication between our Directors and Chaperones & Students. Coordinate the Chaperones for the day trips. Can work with the Lead Chaperone for overnight trips but not mandatory. (Three day trips throughout the season)
- Lakota West Invitational – Join another person in leading a team of volunteers to bring our 2nd hosted marching band competition to life. (A one-day event in September) Smaller sections of planning are also available:
- Ticket Sales
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Parking Lot Logistics
- Hospitality Room
- Sponsorships/Donations
- Judges Dinner
- Mattress Sale – Coordinate with the Mattress Company for the event, share information with the Upbeat Club, pass out signs (provided by the mattress company), etc. (A one day event in the late fall or Winter)
- Parent Volunteer Potluck Dinners – coordinate a potluck dinner on Football Friday nights for our volunteers. Create a signup genius for food items, set-up at the school and clean-up after. (Four home football games this season)
- Photographers – looking for photographers to assist with taking photos at band events. (There are A LOT of band events but with more photographers, less work on each person)
- Split the Pot – run the split the pot sales at home football games. Everything is provided, need someone to do the selling throughout the crowd. (Four home football games this season)
- Swing Dance – Lead a committee of volunteers to coordinate this event. (Occurs one time in December)
- Tag Day – Looking for an additional lead to help with one of our bigger fundraisers of the year. Coordinators will work with grouping band students with drivers, have printed materials ready, count money, etc. (occurs one time in August
- Overnight Trip Coordinator – looking for a shadow this season. This person is the main source of communication between our Directors and Chaperones and Students on overnight trips. This person will collect information, work with grouping students with chaperones, work with the directors on the trips on schedules and plans, etc. (Two overnight trips this year)
- Try Band – work with another volunteer to take instruments into the elementary schools for 6th graders ending with an open house in our band room one evening. (Occurs over 4 or 5 days in a 1 week period once during the year, January)
- Winterguard Competition – Lead a group of volunteers in coordinating the planning of a hosted Winterguard competition at the Freshman school (Occurs on one day in the winter)
Every position comes with full support and guidance from our Upbeat Club and a team of volunteers.
In addition to all of the above positions, there will be requests for volunteers for Band Camp, each of the above listed events, Pit Crew, helping with Uniforms and more. Stay tuned to communications for specific signup geniuses or reach out to President@lakotawestbands.org to express interest or ask for more details.
Getting involved is a GREAT way to get to know the other parents, students & directors involved in the band program at Lakota West.
Save the Dates
Thursday 5/9 | Spring Concert (Main Campus)
Thursday 5/9 | Ridge Jr. Concert
Monday 5/13 | Band/Senior Awards
Tuesday 5/14 | Spring Concert (Freshman)
Thursday 5/16 | Plains Jr. Concert