Registration is OPEN for both trips.
Deadline for registration and deposit is September 4.
Please note:
- All students should register under the ‘quad occupancy student package‘.
- Do NOT pay in full. Your final cost will change based on the calendar raffle profits and we will update the final costs soon.
We are in need of SIX more chaperones. Please consider joining us. The chaperone rate for both trips is $1099 for double occupancy, Upbeat Club subsidizes the costs to be the same as the quad student rate. Please email trips@lakotawestbands.org if you’d like more information or pricing for single trips. The prices shown on the registration page do not reflect the contribution from Upbeat Club. The chaperone application can be found HERE.
For those needing assistance, the Angel Fund scholarship deadline is September 6. A limited number of scholarships are available for those needing financial assistance. Click here for application and/or email president@lakotawestbands.org for more information.
Please email trips@lakotawestbands.org or reach out to our Directors with questions.
A meeting for all parents will be scheduled soon.