Always refer to the Directors Memo for full details.
TONIGHT | SENIOR NIGHT | 6-9pm | Main Campus Stadium (8pm Performance)
Monday 10/14 | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Tuesday 10/15 Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Tuesday 10/15 | Taste for Music | Marco’s Pizza | 11-11
Wednesday 10/16 | Rehearsal (including guard) | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Wednesday 10/16 | Send-Off Performance | 8pm | Main Campus Stadium | IN UNIFORM
Thursday 10/17 | Leaving for Johnson City BOA Regional trip

Join us for Senior Night TONIGHT!
In addition to honoring our Seniors, we will be performing pre-game and the show. A great night to join us in the stadium!
ALL are welcome!
Marching Band Trips

Look for an email to be sent this weekend with further trip details including a packing list, itinerary, and bus list for Johnson City.
Medications are due TODAY! This is for prescription and OTC. NO medications can be given to your student without the proper documentation.
Find what you need in THIS LETTER!
8th graders & Freshman will need to bring their medication to the main campus, NOT their current school.
Please direct all questions to the nurse, Sarah Mitchell, at Sarah.Mitchell@lakotaonline.com.
PSAT Testing
Accommodations have been made to allow our students to take the PSAT and still join their bandmates on the trip. Please read details HERE. If your student has registered for the PSAT, they will be able to catch a bus that is leaving the school at 1:00pm.
Balance Due
All balances have been updated to reflect the calendar fundraiser and were due October 2. Thank you for your patience in getting those balances updated.
Taste for Music

TAKE NOTE: October 16 & October 23 guard sectionals are cancelled and will instead be a practice WITH the band.
10/16: 6-9pm with Send-Off Performance at 8pm
10/23: 3:45-6pm

Swing Dance – Looking for a co-lead and specifically someone who could help decorate after school on the Thursday & Friday prior (Dec 5 & 6).
Reach out to President@lakotawestbands.org with interest or questions.
Coming Soon:
Trip to St. Louis Send-Off Performance | October 24 | All are welcome!
Marching Band Concert/Awards | TBD (being rescheduled from 10/30)
Mattress Sale | November 9
Band earrings from Sarahndipity Designs are back in stock! To receive before the upcoming marching band trips, order online by Monday night 10/14 and all orders will be delivered to the band treasurer on Wednesday 10/16 for distribution.
Sarahndipity Designs is partnering with Lakota West PTSO as a fundraiser for the PTSO. Sarahndipity Designs will give back 20% of its profits to the PTSO for any fundraiser purchases made between September 30–October 25.

Photos from our Band Concert on 10/8