Always refer to the Directors Memo for full details.
TONIGHT | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
TOMORROW | MSBA Competition – Springboro | 3-10:30 (approx.) pm | Meet at Main Campus | Performance Time 8:30pm
Monday 10/7 | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Tuesday 10/8 | Fall Concert | 7pm | Main Campus Theater
Wednesday 10/9 | Rehearsal (no guard) | 3:45-6pm | Main Campus
Wednesday 10/9 | Color Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-8pm | Main Campus Practice Lot
Thursday 10/10 | Rehearsal | 6-9pm | Main Campus
Thursday 10/10 | Upbeat Club Meeting | 6:30pm | Main Campus Band Room
Friday 10/11 | Rehearsal & Senior Night | 6-9pm | Main Campus | Please see the Directors Memo for details for our Seniors & Families
Marching Band Trips
At this time, the Johnson City trip is still on. We will report on changes if needed as soon as we get word.

Medications are due TODAY to the school nurse but she has extended a grace period. NO medications will be accepted after the 11th. This is for prescription and OTC. NO medications can be given to your student without the proper documentation.
Find what you need in THIS LETTER!
8th graders & Freshman will need to bring their medication to the main campus, NOT their current school.
Please direct all questions to the nurse, Sarah Mitchell, at Sarah.Mitchell@lakotaonline.com.
PSAT Testing
Accommodations have been made to allow our students to take the PSAT and still join their bandmates on the trip. Please read details HERE. If your student has registered for the PSAT, they will be able to catch a bus that is leaving the school at 1:00pm.
Balance Due
All balances have been updated to reflect the calendar fundraiser and were due October 2. Thank you for your patience in getting those balances updated.
Upbeat Club Meeting THURSDAY
PLEASE COME! All are welcome and the best way to get informed about ALL of our band programs!

TAKE NOTE: October 16 & October 23 guard sectionals are cancelled and will instead be a practice WITH the band.
10/16: 6-9pm with Send-Off Performance at 8pm
10/23: 3:45-6pm

We need help washing show uniforms getting ready for our trips.
All parts are machine washable; we ask that you pick them up on October 7 and return October 11 or October 14.
Signing up for 1 slot = 2 loads.
Find information and signup HERE.
Coming Soon:
Trip to Johnson City Send-Off Performance | October 16 | ALL are welcome!
Trip to St. Louis Send-Off Performance | October 24 | All are welcome!
Marching Band Concert/Awards | October 30
Mattress Sale | November 9
Calendar Raffle
We have completed our September Calendar Raffle drawings! We congratulate ALL of our winners and THANK YOU for your support!! We made a profit of $15,717 which was divided amongst all marching band students to be put towards their trip costs.
September 1 | Emily Sanborn | sold by Cameron McGee |
September 2 | Deb Coronel | sold by Max Bernthal |
September 3 | Carrie Conn | sold by Hailey Conn |
September 4 | Steven Humphrey | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 5 | Hank Stonerook | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 6 | FRIDAY FRENZY | Emily Byers | sold by Caroline Braden |
September 7 | Julie Nottke | sold by Caitlyn Nottke |
September 8 | Amber Scott | sold by Jackson Miller |
September 9 | Maria Schmidt | sold by Katie Holtmeier |
September 10 | Emily Sanborn | sold by Cameron McGee |
September 11 | Allison Boger | sold by Lucas Boger |
September 12 | Sheila Lang | sold by Sophia Lang |
September 13 | FRIDAY FRENZY | Chris Bautista | sold by Aycha Bautista |
September 14 | James Green | sold by Kaleb Green |
September 15 | Mark and Jenn Moore | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 16 | Ben Miller | sold by Jackson Miller |
September 17 | Britney Rake | sold by Noah Dixon |
September 18 | Vicki Carpenter | sold by Hailey Conn |
September 19 | Paula Williams | sold by Annabelle Ritchie |
September 20 | FRIDAY FRENZY | Eric Gallant | sold by Makenna Gallant |
September 21 | Heidi Price | sold by Jillian Price |
September 22 | Sharon Palm | sold by Lucas Argo |
September 23 | Cheryl Kyser | sold by Elizabeth Sevic |
September 24 | Candi Vance | sold by Parker York |
September 25 | Cathy Hughes | sold by Alex Glacken |
September 26 | Gloria Box | sold by Lucas Boger |
September 27 | FRIDAY FRENZY | Kate Reindl | sold by Jackson Miller |
September 28 | Samantha Wood | Joel Abonia |
September 29 | Rick Misch | sold by Andrew Misch |
September 30 | Sarah Dorr | Madeline Kirkmeyer |