Friday 3/21 | JV Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Friday 3/21 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Saturday 3/22 | TMA Semi-Finals (JV only) | George Rogers Clark

Saturday 3/22 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 11am-4pm | Freshman Gym

Monday 3/24 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Monday 3/24 | Jazz Band Auditions | 3:30-5:30pm | Main Campus Band Room

Tuesday 3/25 | Jazz Band Auditions | 3:30-5:30pm | Main Campus Band Room

Wednesday 3/26 | Jazz Band Auditions | 3:30-5:30pm | Main Campus Band Room

Thursday 3/27 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Friday 3/28 | Taste for Music | Red Robin (Civic Center Blvd) | 11am-10pm

Friday 3/28 | JV Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Friday 3/28 | Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Saturday 3/29 | TMA Championships | Truist Arena


We’re asking every band student to contribute to Jazz ‘n Cakes in TWO ways and ASAP:

1 – Donate $5 (or $10) via Venmo or Gift Cards

  • Donation of items is also acceptable to be put towards baskets. Have any unopened, unwanted items taking up space in your closets? We’ll put them with other items to make a desirable basket. A donation of a complete basket is also welcome (value of $100)


Jazz ‘n Cakes

April 5 | 8am-12pm | Main Campus Cafeteria

Jazz ‘n Cakes will be here before we know it and WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Here is how:

  • Donations
    • Money & Gift Cards for raffle baskets
      • You can donate HERE on Venmo and we’ll do the shopping for you (account is for our Upbeat Club President)
      • Send in money (cash or check) or gift cards to Directors. Money will be used to purchase items and gift cards will be put towards baskets.
    • Raffle Baskets
      • Donate a completed raffle basket of your choice (with a value of $100)
    • Items for Raffle Baskets
      • Provide individual items and we will put with others to create baskets
      • Ask your favorite local businesses and organizations for donations
  • Purchase tickets
  • Volunteers
    • ADULT VOLUNTEERS sign up
      • We are in need of volunteers now to help us solicit and pickup donations from area businesses.
      • We are in need of committee members and shadows for the planning.

Please use for any communication needs.


Taste for Music | Friday 3/28 | All Day


TMA Semi-finals/George Rogers Clark | Daily Schedule | Packing List | Semi-Finals Information | Brittany sent an email on 3/18 with information.

March JV Schedule

Fridays 3/21, 3/28 | 5-9pm | Creekside Gym

Saturday 3/22 | TMA | GRC Semi-Finals

Saturday 3/29 | TMA | Truist Arena Championships (if qualified on 3/22)

March Varsity Schedule

Mondays 3/24, 3/31 | Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30 | Freshman Auditorium

Thursday 3/27 | Rehearsal | 5:30-9:30 | Freshman Auditorium

Friday 3/28 | 5:30-9:30pm | Freshman Auditorium

Saturday 3/22 | Rehearsal | 11am-4pm | Freshman Gym

Saturday 3/29 | TMA | Truist Arena Championships

Competition Schedule

March 22 | TMA Semi Finals George Rogers Clark | JV ONLY

March 29 | TMA Championships

April 3-4 | WGI Prelims/Semis/Finals | VARSITY ONLY

April 7 | Friends & Family Show | Tentative & Time TBD

April 28 & 30 | Color Guard Auditions | 6-9pm | Freshman Gym

Upbeat Club

Nominations were submitted for our 2025-26 Exec Board. Those nominations will be voted on and approved at our April 10 meeting. At our May 15 meeting we will voting on and approving the budget. We hope you will join us at both to help prepare for our next school year.

Also for the next school year, we are looking to fill a few key positions. Some of which are:

  • Jazz ‘n Cakes committee members
  • Lakota West Invitational
  • Band Camp co-lead
  • Taste for Music scheduler

If you have interest in any of the above, or any other positions, reach out to

Marching Band 2025

You should have received an email through Final Forms if you committed to Marching Band. If you did not receive that email through Final Forms AND completed the marching band commitment form, please email Mr. Celek at

Coming Soon:

Marching Band Rookie Meeting | April 8