Upbeat Updates 12/9 – (Swing Dance, Winter Guard/fee family cap, composite pics, Scrip, Macy’s photo call, )

 Swing Dance  Friday  7:30-10pm,  December 13th – To volunteer CLICK HERE. Jazz parents are kindly requested to take a shift.  Set up/decorate, sell tickets, coat check, serve snacks, clean up.  This event needs many more volunteers!  Most shifts are 1 hour so there is plenty of time to enjoy the entertainment before/after your shift.  If you have never volunteered before consider taking a shift at this fabulous event!  Come out and make new band friends!

Tickets $10,  3-10 yrs old  $5/ticket,  children under 3 free.  There will be a door prize, raffle items, and possibly items for sale at the dance so you may want to bring your check book or extra cash and do some Christmas shopping.  We will also be collecting food and personal items (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) for Reach Out Lakota.  You will receive 1 raffle ticket for every 2 items you bring, so the more you bring the higher your chances of winning!  Raffle tickets will also be for sale at the dance.  JAZZ PERFORMERS DO NOT NEED A TICKET.

~7:45  West Freshman     ~8:35  Jazz Combo     ~9:20  West Jazz Ensemble

Swing Dance – Snack assignments (all bands)

EVERY BAND STUDENT is asked to contribute a snack for this event to make it a success.  This list also includes some items needed for solo & ensemble this year.  In order to get a variety we assign requested snacks by band.  (Students in concert AND Jazz should bring the Jazz item)  Baked/sweet goods should not include any kind of nuts due to allergies.

White Red Winds
Sweet goods or Finger Foods Finger Foods Salty/ Savory
Freshman Jazz Jazz Ensemble Jazz Combo
corn/nacho chip/frito Two 2 liters One “12 pack”


Ideas for snack items are below.  Bagged salty/savory items, 12 packs, and 2 liters can be dropped off on the back table in the band room starting Monday 12/9.  All other items can be brought to the band room before school Friday 12/13 (please mark any containers that need to be returned) and we will keep them refrigerated, or to the cafeteria after 3pm where we will be setting up. Please remember to come to the snack area at the end of the night to retrieve your container if possible.

Finger foods Sweet goods Salty/ Savory 2 liters 12 pack
Veggie trays cookies Bugles Cola Coke
Meatballs brownies Cheetos Diet Cola Diet Coke
Meat trays cookie bars Fritos, Doritos Root Beer Gatorade 12 oz
Fruit trays cupcakes Pretzels, Chex Mix Orange/Grape Dr Pepper
Pinwheels Triscuits, Crackers Cranberry Splash Diet Dr Pepper
Deviled eggs Salsa/Cheese sauce NO 7up/Sprite/Ale
Cheese cubes Gold Fish, Cheez-Its     lots left from MB
Dips (cold & hot) choc cover’d pretzels
Pigs in a blanket
Cheese & crackers


Winterguard/new fee family cap  —  The participation fee for winter guard will be collected just like a sports participation fee, by the district, from now on.  It will appear in your student fee account just like all other school fees (EZ pay); it will not be collected in Charms.  Because the levy passed, you can qualify for the family cap depending on the number of students in your family.  CLICK HERE for FAQs on how the family cap works.  You must submit a form to Lakota West to have the family cap applied to your account.  CLICK HERE for the form you need to submit.  Instructions are in the form.  You will only get credit for the fees you have actually paid, so if you did not pay your full $365 MB district fee they will require that you pay that in full first before applying the total $550 to the family cap or you will get a reduced credit.

Crosson composite pics  —  If you ordered a composite (11 x 14) from the Crossons in Sept/Oct, they will be mailed out in mailing cylinders very shortly.  Their printer moved to a new facility and so these were delayed.  The Crossons apologize for this delay and thank you for your patience.

December Scrip orders due noon Friday 12/13 –  Don’t forget to get your Scrip orders in this month.  For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.  The deadline for orders this month is December 10, 2013  if you mail your order, and noon December 13th if you drop it off.  There are MANY cards on “special” this month with an extra percentage going to the band.  Cards will be delivered by 12/18.  Scrip cards make great holiday gifts, please consider ordering cards for gift giving this season.

Macy’s photo call  —  The pictures continue to be uploaded to the website and will continue for the next week or two.  If you were in NYC and have photos of the parade you would like to share for the website (and season DVD), the best/easiest way is to put them on a flash drive that can be exchanged for upload to Flickr and returned to you.  If you would like to do this please contact Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org