Upbeat Updates 1/24 – (S&E, Upbeat)

Solo & Ensemble 2/1 – Students have received their performance times for Solo & Ensemble.  Please encourage your student to sign up for a volunteer time by CLICKING HERE.  Service hour letters will be provided upon request.  Or if you as a parent have not done so yet, please consider taking a shift.  We have many shifts yet to cover.  If the slot does not say “all slots filled” we are still looking for people.  Thanks for supporting our students as Lakota West “events” make up a tremendous percentage of the day’s performances!

Upbeat Club Meeting:  our January meeting has been rescheduled to 1/28 at 7:30pm in the band room. We are a parent volunteer group that supports all band activities. If you have a student in any band grades 7-12 you are a member. Come and learn more about what we do and how to get involved.