Upbeat Updates 3/25 – (Jazz ‘n Cakes, Taste of Music, Volunteers, MB DVD, Rose trip)

Jazz ‘N Cakes 2014 – Thanks to all our parent, student and alum volunteers and generous donors for making this a great event!  The food, market street, and music were fabulous.  If you won a basket you would have been contacted by the Hertz’s this weekend. We are still totaling up the results.  If you have not yet turned in your unused tickets or money please do so this week. Please put the money and any unused tickets in a marked envelope and mail back to:   Lakota West Upbeat Club, P.O. Box 1637, West Chester, OH 45071-1637.  Checks can be made out to the Lakota West Upbeat Club.

Taste of Music (Milanos 4/16)  Our next dining event will be at Milano’s at Voice of America in West Chester.  CLICK HERE for more information and to see their menu.  Come and celebrate the end of tax season! Bring in THIS FLYER and give it to your server when you dine between 11am – Midnight on 4/16 and Milano’s will give the band 20% of the check.  Print as many as you like, email copies to your friends and family, take them to work, and to Facebook.

Volunteer needs – We are in need of volunteers to fill several activity chair positions due to empty slots or one or more parents “aging out” with their last student.  If you are interested in helping with any of these activities please contact the current owner on the CONTACT LIST or email Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org :   Concert Uniforms,  Co Chair Swing Dance,  Mattress Sale,  Co Chair Pancake Breakfast,  Co Chair Spirit Wear,  Taste for Music,  Co Chair 3rd Quarter Refreshments, Senior Slideshow.  This will give you time before the end of the year to train behind the current owner.  The need for a Senior Slideshow volunteer is urgent.  We are about to start collecting senior pics for the final concert program.  If we don’t get a volunteer, we won’t have a slideshow at the band awards at the end of May.

Marching Firebird DVDs — Now that the season is over, don’t forget to order your season DVD of “West Side Story” including the Macy’s trip.  Each DVD is $35 and is delivered to the address noted on the order.  We will take orders through May 1, 2014.  The DVD will then ship after October 1, 2014.  For a limited time you can still order 2012’s DVD “Empire” also for $35 each.  We will continue to take orders through May 1, 2014.  The “Empire” DVD will also ship after October 1, 2014.  To place your order, please CLICK HERE.

Rose Parade Trip — Our travel company provided preliminary information at the Upbeat meeting on 2/18 for both the student and “follower” packages.  For those that could not attend, please CLICK HERE to access the information, forms, and website info.