Bonus Camp | Week of Aug 12 – 16

Always refer to the Directors Weekly Memo for full details!

TODAY | Roommate Signups for Trips | During dinner and after rehearsal if needed | Students were informed through Leadership

Monday 8/12 | Bus Signups | During Dinner | Students will select the bus they will ride for all local trips (Obetz, Springboro & any off campus events they take by bus)

Thursday 8/15 | Upbeat Club Meeting | 6:30pm | Main Campus (Enter through band room)

Ongoing through August 22 | CALENDAR RAFFLE SALES

Community Performance

August 13 | Pizza 7pm/ Performance 8pm | Main Campus Stadium

This event is open to the entire community so please invite friends and families! Let’s fill the stadium to shower our students with support after their incredible camp season and to show our excitement for the upcoming season and show!

Calendar Raffle

Calendar sales have started! We hope your student has been selling, selling, selling! Proceeds from the fundraiser help to offset the costs of the upcoming trips we have to Johnson City and St. Louis.

Students are asked to sell as many calendar entries as possible through August 22. Starting September 1, we will announce a winner everyday! The daily winner will receive $100 with Friday winners receiving $750 with the student seller of that ticket also receiving $100! The final Friday has a mystery total but more than $750! All names are returned to the pot for additional chances to win.

Raffle entries can be purchased on our website or with the paper copies that were sent home with students. Anybody, anywhere, can purchase and win! All winnings will be mailed so location does not matter! This is a great opportunity to get support from those out-of-town friends & family members.

All proceeds from the calendar raffle will benefit the Marching Band trips & various expenses.


Want to Chaperone? Please fill out THIS FORM if you are interested in Chaperoning one or both of our trips this year.

Registration for all will open SOON! The approximate cost per student is $1099 with a deposit of $300 due August 21. The 2nd and final payment will be due on September 25. The final payment amount will depend on the amount of fundraising which will be split evenly amongst all students.

As soon as we have the registration link, we will send out to families but please plan accordingly.

If you are interested in chaperoning but need more information, please email

Volunteers Needed

Band Camp – final days

Upbeat Club Meeting

Our Upbeat Club meetings are the BEST way to get and to stay informed! You’ll hear from our Directors, Exec Team & Committe Leads regarding all things band. Hear about upcoming events & trips, updates regarding the season/year so far, get questions answered, meet other parents and more. Although we will share about upcoming volunteer needs, there is NEVER any pressure! Our goal is to INFORM!

We hope to see all of our families on Thursday! Enter through the band room and if we are not in there, there will be someone or a sign directing you where we will be meeting, this time of year sometimes it’s the cafeteria, chorus room or The Hub.

Tag Day

Tag Day is coming up on Saturday, August 24 and we will need ALL students and LOTS of parent volunteers to drive our students around.

Look for an email early next week with registration information and links.

Coming Soon:

Tag Day | August 24

Picture Day | August 26

Senior Night | October 11

Band-O-Ween | October 21

In addition to ALL of the hard work our students have been doing, they were able to be fitted with their uniforms with the help of some amazing parent volunteers and our pit crew is working hard on their show props! THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR YOUR INCREDIBLE SUPPORT and COUNTLESS HOURS!!

If you are interested in learning more about either of these groups, reach out to or