IMPORTANT NOTICE – Medication Policy


Under Ohio Revised Code, when we travel to Cedar Point, there are specific procedures that we must follow for handling student medications. Any medication, including prescription and over the counter products, must have a School Medication Permit completed by the parent and signed by a doctor. This includes anything that either the child or the parent need or want to take including headache medications and antacids (for example: Tylenol and TUMS). A separate School Medication Permit needs to be completed and signed by a doctor for each item the parent/child needs.

Once all the School Medication Permits have been completed, they need to be turned in along with the medication or product in the prescription bottle with child’s name on it (for over the counter products, they need to be in the original bottle or package, also with the child’s name on it). All of the products need to be placed in a plastic Ziploc baggie with the child’s name on the baggie. All medications and signed School Medication Permits need to be turned in to Mr. Chumley by Friday, September 21, 2012. Mr. Chumley has to submit all of the forms and medications to the school nurse, who in turn has to review everything and create a log sheet for us to use when dispensing the medications while we are traveling. Please understand, without the forms filled out, signed by a doctor, and checked by the school nurse we are not permitted under the law to give any student any kind of medication or over the counter remedy, and students are NOT permitted to carry their own medications. This does not apply to inhalers or epi-pens. Students are permitted to carry these on their person.

Please understand, this is not a Lakota West Band or Lakota Local School District rule, this is a State Law that we are required to follow.

Mr. Chumley has a large supply of School Medication Permits on a music stand right outside his office. Students/parents should take as many as they need. Also, the school nurse has forms in her office, and, the form is also available on line at

If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact Mr. Chumley at