Important – Medical information required from all band members

We have come to realize that with the change to having band camp at home this summer we did not collect insurance card information from band members.  With an overnight trip coming up and a recent incident at East we now realize this information should be on file with all emergency medical forms.  Please photocopy the front and back of your insurance card and bring it in to a marching band practice by Thursday, 9/27 and give it to Malinda Anderson.  This includes band aides.  This year has brought many changes to both Lakota policies and the band program.  We are learning our way through them.  Thank you for your patience.

A reminder, every student in the marching band including band aides must have an emergency medical form on file or they can not participate in the program.  CLICK HERE to download the form.

Finally, if your student is going to Cedar Point and anticipates the need to take any medication, two things must be turned in by Friday, 9/21 to Mr Chumley.  You must complete the medication form AND bring the medications to school so that the school nurse can process them.  This includes band aides going on the trip.  If you turned in your forms at band camp we still need the medications turned in at school in advance of the trip.  Please CLICK HERE to refer to the previous email posting for all of the precise details.