Cedar Point Info (Friday Oct 5 – Sunday Oct 7)

We have changed hotels from Castaway Bay to Breakers Express. With this change, we will be providing another meal for the students on Sunday evening in addition to breakfast both days and Saturday dinner.

The Marching Firebirds will be leaving Friday evening from Lakota West to travel to Sandusky, Ohio to compete in the Perkins competition Saturday evening. We will be driving straight through to the hotel and will not be stopping for dinner. Please make sure your child has eaten prior to arriving at school. Students and chaperones should take snacks and drinks for the bus ride. We will be using Croswell Motor Coaches and they are equipped with DVD players. We will play movies rated no higher than PG-13. Saturday AM students will be going to Castaway water park from approximately 9AM – 2PM. Please pack swim attire. Towels are provided free of charge. Locker rental fee is $10 or $15 with $5 refund upon return of key. After the competition, we will be returning to Castaway Bay water park until 11PM. Students should have their swim attire with them when they leave for the competition.

On Sunday, the students will spend the day in Cedar Point (arrival time 9:30AM) and march in the parade late afternoon. Please ask your child to wear a Lakota West T-shirt or their sectional shirt so that chaperones can easily identify our kids in the park. We will also request our chaperones to wear Lakota apparel for students to identify them.  We will be leaving Cedar Point early Sunday evening, a box dinner will be provided on the bus. We’ll be arriving back at Lakota West approximately 10:30PM. Please see website for medication details. This trip does not have a follower package.

Students should have enough money to buy lunch for both days. Average cost for students to eat at Castaway Bay water park is $10. The trip’s itinerary will be posted as soon as it is finalized.

If you have any questions, please contact Malinda Anderson at vp@lakotawestbands.org or Mariam Kassem at kassemmk2@yahoo.com