Freshman Band Announcements – Jan. 7-11

  1. Registration fees for Honor Band are due this week. The fee is $30 and checks should be made payable to Lakota West Upbeat Club. There is a registration and emergency medical form that needs to be filled out and returned along with the check. If your student did not bring the forms home, they can be found on the band website on the right side of the main page under the heading “All Recent News Posts”. Scroll down until you see “Info and Forms for Honor Band(s)”. If you are in Honor Jazz and Honor Concert band, you need two (2) sets of forms and a check for $60.
  2. Honor Jazz is this week, Tuesday, Jan 8, and Fri-Sun, Jan 11-13. All rehearsals and the concert are to be held at Presser Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH. The exact time schedule is listed on the Registration form that can be printed off following the directions above.
  3. Honor Concert Band is next week. For the Freshman, the rehearsals are Fri-Sun, Jan 18-20. All rehearsals and the concert are to be held at Mason High School, Mason, OH. PLEASE NOTE: There is NO school on Friday, January 18. Students will need to take everything they will need for the weekend on Thursday, Jan 17. ALSO, there is NO rehearsal on Monday, Jan 14 for the Freshman Honor Band. The concert will be at Mason HS on Sunday, Jan 20 beginning at 4:30. The exact arrival time and attire for the students will be announced by the Honor Band Director. REMINDER-you must be on time and present at ALL rehearsals. You cannot leave early for ANY reason. If this is going to be a problem for you, please contact Mr. Chumley or Mr. Snyder. If you get sick and cannot attend or if something else has come up that will prevent you from participating in the Honor Band weekend, please let Mr. Chumley and Mr. Snyder know immediately so an alternate can be contacted.
  4. We will begin fitting those students who are going to be in next year’s marching band this week on Tuesday, Jan 8. Deposits are due by Tuesday, Jan 15. We will not be ordering a uniform for a student until the deposit is made. The schedule and directions for paying for this are available on the band website. Look on the right hand side of the main band web page under “All Recent News Posts”, scroll down to “Everything You Need To Know About Marching Band 2013”. Click on this and follow the directions to register and pay the deposit.
  5. Fall Color Guard training/auditions are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, Feb 2 and 4 from 6-9 pm both days and are scheduled to be held at Lakota Plains Junior School in the cafeteria. More information will be forthcoming about this in the near future.
  6. Solo & Ensemble preparations are well underway. ALL students will be performing at the Solo & Ensemble Recital on Monday, January 28. This event runs from 6-9 pm and is held at Lakota West High School. The students will perform their ensemble for a “judge” who will critique them and work with them for a few minutes after their performance. The schedule for this will be out within the next week.
  7. Solo & Ensemble Festival is Saturday, Feb 2, also at Lakota West High School. Times for this event should be available in about a week or so. This is a very important part of our students musical development. The opportunity to perform a solo or a small ensemble is quite different from playing in band and will aid the students in their continued development as musicians.
  8. Many volunteers are needed for Solo & Ensemble Festival. If you can volunteer (this goes for students AND parents), even for an hour, your help will be enormously appreciated. We expect over 1000 students at Lakota West and managing this is a massive undertaking. Your help is needed! Thank you for volunteering. No one will be turned away, we’ll find something for you to do. If you can help, or have questions about what you can do, please email Teresa Roberts or Kevin Engel at