Upbeat Updates 3/4/13 – (MB/course registration, Branson meds, Macy’s, Jazz ‘N Cakes)

Marching Band – There has not yet been a decision made about whether MB will be a class or extracurricular. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR MB AS A CLASS on your course registration for the 2013-14 school year until this is determined.  This will be IN ADDITION to your 6 class choices and alternates as it is outside of the class day.  If MB goes extracurricular it will automatically be removed from your schedule.  Please direct questions to your counselor or Elgin Card.

BRANSON – REMINDER – Medications and forms for the Branson trip will be collected from parents at the 3/4 concert by the school nurse tonight.  Please be sure to bring these with you to the concert on Monday.

MACYS7 spaces are left in the followers package.  We would really like to fill the last slots to keep the cost flat. We are extending the deadline to 3/15.  Please sign up HERE  if you are interested. When the spaces are gone, the package is closed.  If you have signed up for the followers package please choose a Broadway show ASAP by CLICKING HERE  or you may be assigned to the least attended show.  Students should sign up on the sheets outside the band rooms at their school, main or freshman campus.  If you are in guard at a Jr. school we will contact you or you can email your choice to Dave Bubash at parade@lakotawestbands.org.  We will also have our first informational meeting about Macy’s after the 3/4 and 3/5 concerts for about 30 minutes.

Volunteering opportunities/needsJazz ‘N Cakes – is coming on Saturday morning 3/23.  If you are a PARENT please CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer, if you are a STUDENT please CLICK HERE to sign up.  Sign up early and “pick a team” with your friends!  Students are expected to work a shift and can earn service hours for doing so.  (Parents encourage/nudge/nag your student to sign up)  This is one of our major fundraisers and a fantastically fun event, come hungry and eat before your shift!  Students will be given 5 tickets to sell at the 3/4 or 3/5 concert.

Uniform Pillows – Pillows are beginning to be delivered, but we sewing and stuffing into the home stretch.  If you can iron, stuff, or sew a straight line we can use you.  Please CLICK HERE to sign up for our 3/9 session!