Upbeat Updates 5/27/13 – (award slideshow, Upbeat, payments, Jazz)

AWARDS SLIDESHOW – The slideshow that was shown at the band awards on May 23 is now available for purchase!  Each copy will cost $7 and will ship to your home (or shipping address) directly from Tri State Productions.  If you want your DVDs shipped to different addresses place separate orders, otherwise all DVDs will ship to the same address.  Orders will be taken through Monday, July 1.  Thanks to Ed Soldo and Tri State for making this possible!  Please CLICK HERE to place your order.

Upbeat  — Due  to the conflict with the Freshman concert, the next Upbeat meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30 in the band room.  If you are still interested in a uniform pillow for a graduation or other gift, please email Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org.  We still have several left and they can be made available on Friday 5/31 at Rookie Marcher day at West or for pick up.

PAYMENTS & TRIPS — The following payments are due 5/31:  MB fees #3 ($100) and Macy’s student/chaperone trip #5 ($100).  Please check all of your account balances in Charms and make payments promptly so that we can meet our payment schedule with Gateway.  There are still seats available on the followers bus.  CLICK HERE to sign up.

Lakota Summer Jazz Clinic – For students entering grades 7-9 in the fall, please click for more information and the registration form:  The Lakota Summer Jazz Clinic flyer 2013

Congratulations Seniors!  Have a safe summer.  Keep checking the band website and email for all the latest band info on the upcoming season.