Upbeat Update 8/7 – (FAQ answers, Band camp final concert, Freshmen)


  • On Wednesday during the movie students can leave instruments and belongings at the school until they return after the movie.
  • Once the movie is over Wednesday, students are to report back to camp at 6:30pm on the field.
  • The final concert on Friday is at the FRESHMAN BUILDING.  6pm for pizza, all are invited, 7pm the concert begins.  Check the website in the case of extreme weather, otherwise “the show must go on.”
  • The “lock in” is scheduled for Friday 8/16, tentative time is 11pm – 5am at the MAIN WEST CAMPUS.  Please have your student check the time next week.

Band Camp Final Concert Tail Gate Party 8/9 – Friday 8/9 from 6-7pm before the final concert we will have our tailgate pizza party.  This will be a fantastic opportunity to eat, bond with fellow band families and alum, AND get to know more about the Upbeat Club and volunteer opportunities at our “Upbeat Fair.”  While you are eating look for the tables and come over for more info or to sign up for one (or more) of these fabulous opportunities (including but not limited to):

Tag Day Adult Drivers (80):  Saturday 9/7  8am-1pm, Enjoy a morning drive/walk with 4-6 teens.  This is the band’s biggest fundraiser and requires the most volunteers.  CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up to volunteer.  It’s a great way to get to know fellow band parents and students.

Spirit Wear:  bring your check book and stop and check out the new products for this season including our Macy’s apparel. Stock up on all your spirit wear needs for sale or preorder. Buy a McDonalds coupon book ($5), Macy’s car decal ($5), marching band uniform pillow ($50), and “PROUD PARENT” shirt while you’re there.

Tux Shirt Sale:  (weather permitting) every student in concert band at the main campus, except Winds girls, needs a tux shirt with their concert uniform. Beat the rush and buy from us. Large selection of used shirts in many sizes, $10 each. All proceeds benefit the band.

Uniform committee:  we need volunteers to help with uniforms and pluming at football games and competitions.  We have fabulous new plumes this year!  Please CLICK HERE to sign up or stop by the table for more info.

Third Quarter Snacks:  During the season each section will be required to bring cookies to a home game. Watch announcements for section assignments. Sign up to serve 3rd quarter snacks at a home game.

Pit Crew:  Sign up to become a member of the fantastic support team that moves our marching band to and from the Lakota sidelines as well as our competition venues.  It takes a small army for this responsibility.  They wear cool jackets and eat better than any other group in the band!

Jazz N Cakes:  the most fun fundraiser of the year in the spring.  Sign up for the opportunity to supervise the beverages, flip flapjacks, or keep the dining hall humming all while listening to the coolest jazz in town, performed by our West Jazz bands.

Upbeat Club:  our first meeting is 8/20 7:30pm in the band room. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We are a parent volunteer group that supports all band activities. If you have a student in any band grades 7-12 you are a member. Come talk to us and learn more about what we do and how to get involved.


Freshman band registration – Freshmen need to get registered in Charms and buy their Tshirt for Freshman night 9/6 when they take the field with the Marching Firebirds and Tag Day 9/7.  Please CLICK HERE to go to the web site and follow the 4 step process before school starts.  It takes a week to get your account in Charms set up so please don’t procrastinate.  Other than “freshman night,” freshmen do not march until their sophomore year.  Freshman parents are encouraged to get involved with Tag Day.  Please CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up to volunteer.