Band Annoucements

1. Awesome Fall Concert on Tuesday, thanks to all for a wonderful evening. Especially to the Capital University Symphonic Winds and Barry Kopetz and James Swearingen.

2. Harrison Competition on Saturday night, report time is 5:00, perform at 8:00 and should return home around 10:00.

3. Monday, October 21, no school but marching band is rehearsing 5:00 till 7:00 due to a soccer game in the stadium.

4. Senior NIght at our last regular home football game on October 25. All 94 Seniors and their parents will be honored at half-time.

5. Saturday, October 26 we perform at Springfield Shawnee at 4:45. Report time will be 1:00 and we should return around 7:00.

6. State Contest is at Hilliard Bradley on Saturday, November 2. Our performance time is 8:30 p.m. We will meet at 3:00 and return around midnight.

7. Macy’s is fast approaching! Memorization checks, payments, and final plans should be arranged!!!

8. Upbeat meeting Tuesday, October 22 at the Freshman School at 8:00!!!