Band Announcements, Week of October 28

1. Terrific Senior Night and another Grand Champion performance at Springfield Shawnee!
2. We start the 2nd quarter today! Challenges are open in all concert bands.
3. Marching Band News:
A. Rehearsals are 5 -7 on Monday, Sectionals till 4 on Tuesday, 3 till 5:30 on Wednesday,(video recording in full uniform for NBC!) 3 till 5 on Thursday due to Halloween. Macy’s music pass off is due by the 31st, failure to do so will result in after school sessions until the music is suitably played from memory.
B. Meet at East Freshman Campus on Friday at 6:30 for East/West football game. Uniforms should be taken home after rehearsal on Thursday. Be mindful of heavy traffic for the big game.
C. Meet at West at 3:00(Senior speeches) on Saturday for State. Depart at 4:00 and will stop for dinner at Fairfield Commons at 5:00. Performance time is 8:30 at Hilliard Bradley, should return home around midnight. (time change 🙂 )
D. Marching Band Concert and Awards on Thursday, Nov. 7
E. Play-off game on Nov. 9, most likely at Lakota West. If the team wins, we will play again on the 16th.
F. Regular rehearsal times in November as we prepare for play-off games and Macy’s)
G. Departure for New York is just 4 weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!