Upbeat Updates 11/4 – (UNOs, Macys, Scrip, levy info)

UNOs Dough Raiser 11/10 — UNOs has offered to close their restaurant for a day to do an exclusive fundraiser for the Lakota West Bands.  This will run very similar to our Jazz N Cakes breakfast.  Band members will pre sell tickets for an all you can eat pizza buffet. UNOs will support with advertising and other entertainment.  Past events with other groups have been very successful.  They would like to partner with us for other events to help with our trips. 

  • All ticket money or unused tickets need to be put in the mail by Monday 11/4 or returned to school Wednesday 11/6 (no school Tuesday).  UNOs is using our pre sale numbers to order food so this is VERY important.
  • We don’t have enough volunteers yet to support this event.  Please CLICK HERE to sign up to work a shift from ~10am-10pm in the restaurant to support the event as: bartenders, hosts, servers, runners, bussers, and entertainers.  Ages 15 and older may work. ~75 students and parents are needed.  Student service hours can be earned for this event.
  • Drumline is performing 12-2pm outside in front of Uno’s; Marching Band Leadership team is performing “in the stands” songs outside in front of Uno’s from 5-6pm; Jazz Combo is performing inside Uno’s from 11:30-1:30pm.
  • More Symphonic Winds Chamber groups are still needed to perform; please sign-up for a 15 minute time slot on the sign-up sheet on the Band room board.
  • CLICK HERE for a flyer you can use to advertise this event in your neighborhood or at work. 60% of ticket sales will go to the band.



  • FOLLOWERS PACKAGE OPENING — There has become an availability in the follower’s package.  The opening is for 1 room up to a triple occupancy.  If you are interested please contact Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org immediately so that we can try to work out a solution for this opening.  We would like to resolve this quickly so please make contact by 7pm on Wednesday 11/6  if you are interested.  A party interested in the full triple will take first priority.
  • Student Trip fee reduction due to fundraising – The trip fee was estimated a year ago (at $950) in order to set up accounts that parents could start making payments to.  This estimate was not accurate. The true trip cost including Paypal fees is $1030.  Fundraising by the Upbeat club is reducing each trip by $80.  The Upbeat club is also covering additional travel costs like uniform and instrument shipping.  In total, the Upbeat club will be paying ~$30,500 or more toward the Macy’s trip.  The club’s funds are at a low point due to the uniform and instrument purchases last year.  CLICK HERE to see the nearly $187,000 in major/capital items purchased and donated to the school/district last year in support of the band program.  (More than was spent in the Rose Bowl year.)  We have 2 major trips within 15 months.  The UNOs fundraiser, and continued new events, are very important to support efforts to defray costs for band families.
  • The followers bus cost is $130 per person. There are still seats available on the followers buses.  Please email Sue Tanner at president@lakotawestbands.org if you are interested in the bus.  You don’t have to purchase the followers package to ride the bus.  Buses leave Lakota West 6am 11/25 and departs NY from the Westin at 7pm on 11/29.  The followers bus list continues to be tweaked as passengers are added in order to keep buses balanced.  The final list will be reposted in a few weeks.


November Scrip orders due noon Tuesday 11/12 –  Don’t forget to get your Scrip orders in this month.  For a copy of the order form and complete details concerning the SCRIP program CLICK HERE.  The deadline for orders this month is November 9, 2013  if you mail your order, and noon November 12th if you drop it offCLICK HERE for holiday ideas for Scrip cards as gifts.


Vote / Levy Facts – Did you know that the school levy on the ballot this November, if passed, will restore some services previously cut?  A benefit to the band is a $100 reduction in the $365 district MB fee and a $150 reduction in the $550 Winter Guard fee.  The district will offset the fee reduction by making an equivalent contribution to the activity’s fund (no reduction in budget).  CLICK HERE for a short document about the levy.

There is a final opportunity to volunteer to support the levy.  They are looking for volunteers on election day to simply stand outside polling locations and hold signs.  No speaking required. Click the link to sign up:  ELECTION VOLUNTEERS  .