The Lakota West Marching Band is selling the uniforms worn from 2012 to 2018!
Uniform sale/auction starts Sunday, December 1st and closes on Friday, December 13th at 5:00pm. Specific instructions are listed below by group. All purchases are done through Sign Up Genius (links below).
Uniforms are listed by uniform number. Bid on a uniform by “signing up” for it. Please use the comment field to identify your bid amount. Minimum bids start at $50 and increase in $5 increments (example: $50, $55, $60). If you forget to put your bid amount in the comments, log back in, “edit” your sign up, enter your bid in the comments, click “revise sign up”. Uniform purchase includes: jacket, bibs, gauntlets, shako (you do not need to purchase one separately). Does not include parka or plume. Please note there are only 5 Field Commander Shakos – in the event more than 5 Field Commander Uniforms are bid on, the Field Commander Shakos will be given to the 5 highest winning bidders. Any other winning bidders will receive a regular shako.
In the event of equal bids on a certain uniform, the first/earlier bid entered will prevail to break the tie if necessary. Highest bid as of 5:00pm EST on Friday, December 13th will win the auction. Successful bidders will be notified at the end of the auction at the email used to bid. Uniform(s) can be picked up at the entrance to the Lakota West Swing Dance on Friday, December 13th from 7:30pm to 10:00pm or at the Lakota West Freshman Band Room on Wednesday, December 18th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. At the time of pick up, payment is due. Payment can be cash, charge or check made out to Lakota West Upbeat Club.
Links to Sign Up Genius Below
Field Commander Uniforms 001-010
All shakos cost $25. Please note when signing (in the comments) if you want a particular size. If you would like more than 1 of an item please sign up multiple times. Please note that if you purchase a full uniform a shako will be included, you do not need to sign up here to purchase separately. Shako(s) can be picked up at the entrance to the Lakota West Swing Dance on Friday, December 13th from 7:30pm to 10:00pm or at the Lakota West Freshman Band Room on Wednesday, December 18th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. At the time of pick up, payment is due. Payment can be cash, charge or check made out to Lakota West Upbeat Club.
Click HERE for link to place order
A great memento for those that don’t want a full uniform. A jacket will be loving made into an approximately 16” square pillow. Each pillow costs $50. If you would like more than 1 of an item please sign up multiple times. Payment and Pick Up times will be after the first of the year at a date/time to be determined. Orders will be filled based on orders/sign ups received. So, sign up early!
Click HERE for link to place order
Questions can be emailed to President@LakotaWestBands.org or LWUpbeat@gmail.com