Countdown to Band Camp – General & Medical info

Plans for band camp are being finalized and the 2012 marching band handbook will be published on the web site in about one week.  The handbook is a valuable and comprehensive source of information and schedules so please check the web site in a week for that important information.  In the mean time, there are a few very important things that will occur during pre-camp for which you may want to begin preparing.  Pre-camp, as well as the full band camp rehearsal schedule, will take place at the West Freshman Campus.

The band is required to utilize the school district medical forms.  All students are required to complete the Emergency Medical Authorization which can be found on the District web site CLICK HERE to download (or fill out and print) the form along with the district policy CLICK HERE.

Also, students who will need to take medication during rehearsal time are required to complete the School Medication Permit which can be found if you CLICK HERE along with the district policy CLICK HERE.  This form requires a physician signature so please plan accordingly. Since band camp is no longer an over-night activity, medication should be taken at home whenever possible. Students will have an afternoon break from 3:30 to 6:30. Please prepare the necessary form(s) at your convenience and have your student turn them in during the first few days of pre-camp.