URGENT: Great fundraising opportunity – Need quick volunteer interest

We realize this is short notice, but we were just given this opportunity and asked if we can commit by mid next week. In order to commit we need to quickly get an idea of whether or not we can get enough volunteers to support the request. Please read the below and respond by signing up through the signupgenius tool by Tuesday 9/11 so we can make a decision. Band alumni and alumni parents are welcome to participate – spread the word! Freshman parents, since there is a game Friday night this is a real opportunity for our class to pull through!

The band has been offered the opportunity to attend the 6 parking lots at the Union Centre Music and Food Festival on Friday 9/28 (4pm – 11pm) & Saturday 9/29 (10am – 11pm). CLICK HERE for information about the event. Our job would be to staff the entrance and collect the $5 parking donation as cars enter the lots. The lots vary in size, but the largest can hold up to 1,000 cars. In return the band keeps half the total parking proceeds from the event. Students can work this event, but 1 adult must be in each lot. Students do not have to work with their parent. In your sign up please note if you are a STUDENT or an ADULT in the COMMENTS field.  CLICK HERE to use the signupgenius tool to sign up for a shift.

If you forget to do this you can click the link, log back into the site, find your sign up, click the “EDIT” button, write ADULT or STUDENT in the comment field, and click “revise my sign up.”  Your sign up will be saved again. You can also use this process to delete your sign up if necessary if plans change. (Please sign up only if you are pretty certain of your plans)

This is homecoming weekend; there is a home game Friday, but no competition on Saturday.  The days have been split into ~3 hour shifts.  Please sign up for shift(s) you can work. We need 15-20 people per shift. We will let you know by email if we are NOT going to do this event no later than 9/14.  This is a GREAT opportunity to earn “easy/free money” for the band.  Let’s try to make this happen!